%A APRILLIA CINDY %T KOMPOSISI JENIS DAN STRATA VEGETASI PADA PRAKTIK AGROFORESTRI DI DAERAH ALIRAN SUNGAI SEKAMPUNG %X DAS Sekampung merupakan salah satu wilayah prioritas pemulihan karena permasalahan lingkungan seperti deforestasi dan erosi yang sering terjadi. Agroforestri menjadi salah satu sistem pengelolaan lahan yang diharapkan mampu mengurangi risiko kerusakan lingkungan dan meningkatkan kesejahteraan masyarakat sekitar DAS. Penelitian dilakukan di tiga desa, yaitu Desa Air Bakoman (hulu), Desa Tresnomaju (tengah), dan Desa Mulyosari (hilir) DAS Sekampung dan dilakukan selama dua bulan sejak bulan Mei hingga Juni 2024. Pengumpulan data dilakukan melalui observasi lapangan dan wawancara dengan petani setempat, serta menggunakan metode analisis strata vegetasi dan produktivitas tanaman. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi Strata vegetasi agroforestri serta membandingkan produktivitas dan diversitas tanaman pada lahan kelola petani di daerah hulu, tengah, dan hilir DAS Sekampung, Provinsi Lampung. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa terdapat perbedaan strata vegetasi di ketiga wilayah dengan dominasi tanaman bertajuk tinggi di Desa Air Bakoman dan tanaman bertajuk rendah di Desa Mulyosari. Diversitas tanaman pada ketiga lokasi penelitian memiliki perbedaan dimana keanekaragaman tanaman tertinggi ditemukan di Desa Tresnomaju, sementara keanekaragaman tanaman di Desa Air Bakoman termasuk rendah. Penerapan agroforestri di ketiga desa cenderung mengkombinasikan tanaman pertanian seperti jagung, cabai, kopi dan singkong dengan tanaman MPTS (Multy Purpose Tree Species) seperti alpukat dan durian. Secara umum, sistem agroforestri di DAS Sekampung sudah menerapkan pola agroforestri sederhana ditandai dengan jumlah pohon per hektar di Desa Air Bakoman rata-rata 66 pohon/ha, di Desa Tresnomaju rata-rata 86 pohon/ha, dan di Desa Mulyosari rata-rata 62 pohon/ha. Beberapa komoditas, seperti jengkol, petai, cengkeh, karet, dan kemiri merupakan jenis pohon yang bernilai ekonomi tinggi yang dapat meningkatkan produktivitas lahan pada pola agroforestri. Namun, diperlukan upaya lebih lanjut untuk memaksimalkan manfaat ekologi dan ekonomi dari sistem ini di seluruh wilayah DAS. Kata Kunci: diversitas tanaman, pola tanam, produktivitas tanaman, tanaman kehutanan, tanaman pertanian. The Sekampung watershed is one of the priority areas for recovery due to environmental problems such as deforestation and erosion that often occur. Agroforestry is one of the land management systems expected to reduce the risk of environmental damage and improve the welfare of communities around the watershed. The research was conducted in three villages, namely Air Bakoman Village (upstream), Tresnomaju Village (middle), and Mulyosari Village (downstream) of the Sekampung watershed. It was conducted for two months, from May to June 2024. Data was collected through field observations and interviews with local farmers, using vegetation strata analysis and crop productivity. This study aims to identify agroforestry vegetation strata and compare productivity and plant diversity on farmer-managed land in the upstream, middle, and downstream areas of the Sekampung watershed, Lampung Province. The results showed differences in vegetation strata in the three areas, with the dominance of high-topped plants in Air Bakoman Village and low-topped plants in Mulyosari Village. Plant diversity in the three research locations differed, with the highest in Tresnomaju Village, while plant diversity in Air Bakoman Village was low. The application of agroforestry in the three villages combines agricultural crops such as corn, chili, coffee, and cassava with MPTS (Multi-Purpose Tree Species) plants such as avocado and durian. In general, agroforestry systems in the Sekampung watershed have implemented simple agroforestry, characterized by the number of trees per hectare in Air Bakoman Village, averaging 66 trees/ha, in Tresnomaju Village, averaging 86 trees/ha, and in Mulyosari Village averaging 62 trees/ha. Commodities such as jengkol, petai, cloves, rubber, and candlenut are high economic value tree species that can increase land productivity in agroforestry patterns. However, further efforts are needed to maximize this system's ecological and economic benefits throughout the watershed. Keywords: crops, cropping patterns, crop productivity, forestry crops, plant diversity %D 2024 %C UNIVERSITAS LAMPUNG %R 2014151042 %I FAKULTAS PERTANIAN %L eprints81688