%A MASTHURI ABDUL AZIS %T POLA PENDIDIKAN PESANTREN KHALAF BERBASIS NILAI KARAKTER THOBIAT LUHUR DI PONDOK PESANTREN NURUL HUDA LAMPUNG %X Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pola pendidikan pesantren khalaf berbasis nilai karakter thobiat luhur, dampak penerapan pendidikan karakter berbasis thobiat luhur serta strategi yag dilakukan Pondok Pesantren Nurul Huda Lampung dalam menghadapi perkembangan zaman kaitannya dengan pembentukan karakter santri. Pondok pesantren sebagai salah satu lembaga pendidikan memiliki peranan yang sangat penting dalam membentuk karakter baik santri. Melalui pendidikan karakter berbasis 6 thobiat luhur, yaitu karakter rukun, kompak, kerjasama yang baik, jujur, amanah, serta hemat dan bekerja keras. Jenis penelitian adalah penelitian kualitatif dengan pendekatan studi kasus. Teknik pengumpulan data dengan menggunakan teknik wawancara mendalam, observasi dan dokumentasi. Teknik keabsahan data menggunakan triangulasi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa: 1) pola pendidikan pesantren khalaf berbasis nilai karakter thobiat luhur kurikulumnya berkolaborasi dengan sekolah formal yaitu SMP, SMA dan SMK Tri Sukses. Pola pembinaan karakter santri terbagi ke dalam dua kategori berdasarkan asesmen diagnostik, yaitu kelas reguler dan kelas intensif dengan pendampingan khusus oleh guru pamong. 2) pendidikan karakter berbasis thobiat luhur berdampak pada peningkatan karakter sosial santri. Masyarakat sekitar juga memperoleh manfaat dari pendidikan karakter thobiat luhur terkait kondisi lingkungan yang lebih kondusif. 3) strategi yang dilakukan Pondok Pesantren Nurul Huda dalam menghadapi perubahan zaman adalah selalu beradaptasi terhadap kemajuan teknologi informasi, juga mengembangkan kemandirian santri. Kata Kunci: Pendidikan Karakter, Thobiat Luhur, Pesantren Khalaf This research aims to determine the pattern of Islamic boarding school education based on thobiat luhur character values, the impact of implementing character education based on thobiat luhur and the strategies carried out by the Nurul Huda Lampung Islamic Boarding School in dealing with current developments in relation to the character formation of students. Islamic boarding schools as an educational institution have a very important role in forming the good character of students. Through character education based on 6 noble habits, namely the character of harmony, unity, good cooperation, honesty, trustworthiness, and thriftiness and hard work. The type of research is qualitative research with a case study approach. Data collection techniques use in-depth interview techniques, observation and documentation. The data validity technique uses triangulation. The results of the study indicate that: 1) the educational pattern of the Khalaf Islamic boarding school based on the value of the noble character of the curriculum collaborates with formal schools, namely SMP, SMA and SMK Tri Sukses. The character development pattern of students is divided into two categories based on diagnostic assessments, namely regular classes and intensive classes with special assistance from the supervising teacher. 2) character education based on noble character has an impact on improving the social character of students. The surrounding community also benefits from noble character education related to more conducive environmental conditions. 3) the strategy carried out by the Nurul Huda Islamic Boarding School in facing the changing times is to always adapt to advances in information technology, as well as developing the independence of students. Keywords: Character Education, Thobiat Luhur, Pesantren Khalaf %D 2024 %I UNIVERSITAS LAMPUNG %L eprints81710