TY - GEN CY - UNIVERSITAS LAMPUNG ID - eprints81730 UR - http://digilib.unila.ac.id/81730/ A1 - Tiara Aliya, Putri Y1 - 2024/12/09/ N2 - Daerah Aliran Sungai (DAS) merupakan wilayah daratan yang berasal dari gabungan berbagai sumber daya alam seperti tanah, air, dan vegetasi yang dapat dimanfaatkan oleh manusia. Masalah pemanfaatan lahan di DAS sering terjadi seperti lahan kritis karena deforestasi dan kurangnya konservasi lahan kering. Tujuan penelitian yang dilaksanakan pada bulan Mei-Juli 2024 adalah mengidentifikasi pola tanam, menghitung nilai ekonomi langsung, serta membandingkan nilai ekonomi agroforestri dengan non agroforestri. Responden adalah petani dengan studi kasus di DAS Sekampung pada bagian hulu, tengah, dan hilir meliputi Desa Air Bakoman Kabupaten Tanggamus, Desa Tresnomaju Kabupaten Pesawaran dan Desa Mulyosari Kabupaten Lampung Selatan yang dipilih secara purposive sampling. Pengumpulan data menggunakan wawancara terstruktur dan observasi. Data yang digunakan adalah jenis tanaman dengan jumlah produksi, pendapatan agroforestri, dan pendapatan non-agroforestri. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan pola tanam yang diterapkan terdiri dari monokultur, polikultur, dan agroforestri, dan perkebunan. Pendapatan rata-rata pola agroforestri Desa Air Bakoman sebesar Rp.35.099.183,00/ha/tahun, Desa Tresnomaju Rp.26.775.307,00/ha/tahun dan Desa Mulyosari Rp.21.662.198,00/ha/tahun yang diperoleh dari pendapatan dari lahan agroforestri, dan pendapatan peternakan, sedangkan pendapatan non agroforestri Desa Air Bakoman sebesar Rp.24.700.752,00/ha/tahun, Desa Tresnomaju Rp.58.331.412,00/ha/tahun, dan Desa Mulyosari Rp.52.313.075,00/ha/tahun dari pendapatan petani dengan pola monokultur, polikultur, perkebunan. Kontribusi ekonomi dari lahan agroforestri Desa Air Bakoman lebih besar sedangkan kontribusi dari lahan bukan agroforestri lebih besar di Desa Mulyosari, hal ini karena petani yang menerapkan pola agroforestri masih kurang dan cenderung fokus pada satu jenis tanaman terkhusus Desa Tresnomaju dan Desa Mulyosari. Kata kunci: pola tanam, pendapatan agroforestri, pendapatan non-agroforestri, kontribusi agroforestri. A watershed is a land area derived from various natural resources such as soil, water, and vegetation that humans can utilize. Land utilization problems in the watershed, such as critical land due to deforestation and lack of dryland conservation, often occur. The objectives of the research conducted in May?July 2024 were to identify cropping patterns, calculate direct economic value, and compare the economic value of agroforestry with non-agroforestry. Respondents were farmers with case studies in the Sekampung watershed in the upstream, middle, and downstream parts, including Air Bakoman Village, Tanggamus District, Tresnomaju Village, Pesawaran District, and Mulyosari Village, South Lampung District, which were selected by purposive sampling. Data were collected using structured interviews and observations. The data used were the types of plants with the amount of production, agroforestry income, and non-agroforestry income. The results showed that the cropping patterns applied consisted of monoculture, polyculture, agroforestry, and plantations. The average income of the agroforestry pattern of Air Bakoman Village was Rp.35,099,183.00/ha/year, Tresnomaju Village Rp.26,775,307.00/ha/year, and Mulyosari Village Rp.21,662,198.00/ha/year obtained from income from agroforestry land, and livestock income. In comparison, the non-agroforestry income of Air Bakoman Village was Rp.24,700,752.00/ha/year, Tresnomaju Village Rp.58,331,412.00/ha/year, and Mulyosari Village Rp.52,313,075.00/ha/year from farmers' income with monoculture, polyculture, and plantation patterns. The economic contribution from agroforestry land in Air Bakoman Village is higher, while the contribution from non-agroforestry land is higher in Mulyosari Village; this is because farmers who apply agroforestry patterns are still lacking and tend to focus on one type of plant, especially Tresnomaju Village and Mulyosari Village. Keywords: cropping pattern, agroforestry income, non-agroforestry income, agroforestry contribution. PB - FAKULTAS PERTANIAN TI - NILAI MANFAAT EKONOMI LANGSUNG DARI LAHAN PETANI PADA LANSKAP AGROFORESTRI DI DAERAH ALIRAN SUNGAI SEKAMPUNG AV - restricted ER -