creators_name: PUTI, ASHSHAFA WISRA creators_id: 2054051011 type: other datestamp: 2025-02-03 09:02:44 lastmod: 2025-02-03 09:02:44 metadata_visibility: show title: PENGARUH KONSENTRASI KACANG KEDELAI LOKAL (Glycine max L.) TERHADAP KARAKTERISTIK SENSORI EGG TOFU ispublished: pub subjects: 600 subjects: 630 full_text_status: restricted abstract: Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui sifat sensori terbaik dari pengaruh konsentrasi kacang kedelai (Glycine max L.) terhadap egg tofu. Rancangan percobaan ini menggunakan metode Rancangan Acak Kelompok Lengkap (RAKL) faktor tunggal dengan konsentrasi kacang kedelai 5 taraf, P1 (50 g/500 ml), P2 (100 g/500 ml), P3 (150 g/500 ml), P4 (200 g/500 ml), P5 (250 g/500 ml). Parameter pengamatan yang dilakukan yaitu uji sensori (tekstur, aroma, rasa, dan warna) dan uji hedonik. Data yang diperoleh dilakukan uji barlett, uji tuckey, analisis ragam, dan uji lanjut BNJ 5%. Penggunaan konsentrasi kacang kedelai 150 g menjadi perlakuan terbaik. Berdasarkan pengamatan diperoleh egg tofu dengan tekstur agak mudah hancur, aroma khas telur, rasa gurih, warna putih kekuningan, serta rasa dan aroma yang lebih disukai oleh panelis. Kata kunci : kacang kedelai, egg tofu, uji sensori, uji hedonik. This study aims to determine the best sensory properties of the effect of soybean (Glycine max L.) concentration on egg tofu. This experimental design used the Completely Randomized Block Design (CRBD) method with a single factor with concentration soybeen 5 levels, P1 (50 g/500 ml), P2 (100 g/500 ml), P3 (150 g/500 ml), P4 (200 g/500 ml), P5 (250 g/500 ml). The observation parameters carried out were sensory tests (texture, aroma, taste, and color) and hedonic tests. The data obtained were tested by the Barlett test, Tuckey test, analysis of variance, and further BNJ 5% test. The use of 150 g soybean concentration was the best treatment.Based on observations, egg tofu was obtained with a texture that was easily destroyed, a distinctive egg aroma, a savory taste, a yellowish white color, and a taste and aroma that were preferred by the panelists. Keywords: soybeans, egg tofu, sensory test, hedonic test. date: 2025-01-08 date_type: published publisher: PERTANIAN place_of_pub: UNIVERSITAS LAMPUNG citation: PUTI, ASHSHAFA WISRA (2025) PENGARUH KONSENTRASI KACANG KEDELAI LOKAL (Glycine max L.) TERHADAP KARAKTERISTIK SENSORI EGG TOFU. PERTANIAN, UNIVERSITAS LAMPUNG. document_url: document_url: document_url: