TY - GEN CY - UNIVERSITAS LAMPUNG ID - eprints82040 UR - http://digilib.unila.ac.id/82040/ A1 - Gilang , giffari Y1 - 2024/07/19/ N2 - Pada penetapan upah minimum provinsi sering terjadi ketidaksesuaian antara peneteapan upah minimum dengan kondisi ekonomi dan sosial di wilayah tersebut, miniminya partisipasi pemangku kepentingan atau kurangnya pemahaman terhadap peoses perumusan upah minimum. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui dan menganalisi proses Collaborative Governance Dalam Penetapan Upah Minimum Provinsi Lampung Tahun 2022. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode deskriptif kualitatif. Penelitian ini menggunakan teknik penggumpulan data yaitu wawancara, observasi dan dokumentasi. Penelitian ini menggunakan teori Collaborative Governance yang dikemukakan Ansell dan Gash (2008) sebagai pisau pemecahan masalah yaitu, face to face dialogue, trust building, commitment to process, share understanding, intermediate outcomes. Hasil penelitian menyimpulkan bahwa collaborative governance sudah dapat dikatakan berhasil hanya saja masih terdapat catatan dalam penetapan upah minimum di provinsi lampung. Kurangnya kepercayaan bersama antara sesama aktor pemangku kepentingan, masih adanya perbedaan pemahaman antara stakeholder hal ini harus segera di selesaikan agar kedepannya terciptanya collaborative governance yang berjalan dengan sangat baik. Kata Kunci : Collaborative Governance, Upah Minimum Provinsi Lampung In the determination of provincial minimum wages, there often occurs a mismatch between the set minimum wage and the economic and social conditions in the region, minimal participation from stakeholders, or a lack of understanding of the minimum wage formulation process. This study aims to understand and analyze the process of Collaborative Governance in the Determination of the Provincial Minimum Wage in Lampung for the year 2022. This research employs a qualitative descriptive method. Data collection techniques used in this study include interviews, observations, and documentation. The study utilizes the Collaborative Governance theory proposed by Ansell and Gash (2008) as a problem-solving framework, which includes face to face dialogue, trust building, commitment to process, shared understanding, and intermediate outcomes. The findings of the study conclude that collaborative governance can be considered successful however, there are still issues with the determination of minimum wages in Lampung Province. The lack of mutual trust among stakeholders and differences in understanding between stakeholders need to be addressed to ensure the development of a more effective collaborative governance process in the future Keywords: Collaborative Governance, Provincial Minimum Wage Lampung PB - FAKULTAS ILMU SOSIAL DAN POLITIK TI - COLLABORATIVE GOVERNANCE DALAM PENETAPAN UPAH MINIMUM PROVINSI LAMPUNG TAHUN 2022 (Dinas Tenaga Kerja Provinsi Lampung) AV - restricted ER -