TY - GEN CY - UNIVERSITAS LAMPUNG ID - eprints82092 UR - http://digilib.unila.ac.id/82092/ A1 - Muhammad , Fakhri Y1 - 2024/08/23/ N2 - Asesor BKD adalah dosen yang ditugaskan menilai beban kerja dosen (LKD) melalui platform SISTER berdasarkan Surat Keputusan Rektor. Untuk menjadi seorang asesor, dosen harus melewati ujian terlebih dahulu, salah satunya adalah ujian keterampilan. Pelaksanaan ujian keterampilan calon asesor pada website sister-training sebelumnya menghadapi beberapa masalah mulai dari tahap pendaftaran dan rekapitulasi nilai yang masih dilakukan secara manual hingga perbedaan sistem antara sister-training dengan SISTER Cloud yang menyebabkan proses pelaksanaan ujian keterampilan menjadi rumit dan panjang. Untuk mengatasi tantangan ini, Kemendikbud mengembangkan fitur Recruitment Asesor pada SISTER Cloud agar dapat membantu pelaksanaan ujian keterampilan menjadi lebih terstruktur. Fitur Recruitment Asesor dirancang untuk menggantikan proses manual yang sering terjadi kesalahan dan memperlambat proses sebelum dan setelah ujian. Pengembangan fitur ini diharapkan dapat menyederhanakan alur kerja, mengurangi risiko kesalahan administrasi, dan meningkatkan efektivitas evaluasi BKD di perguruan tinggi sehingga meningkatkan pengalaman pengguna secara keseluruhan baik dari sisi dosen maupun kementrian. Kata Kunci: Asessor, BKD, SISTER, Kemendikbud. BKD assessors are lecturers who are assigned to assess the workload of lecturers (LKD) through the SISTER platform based on the Chancellor's Decree. To become an assessor, lecturers must first pass a test, one of which is a skills test. The implementation of the skills test for prospective assessors on the sister-training website previously faced several problems ranging from the registration and recapitulation stages of scores which were still carried out manually to differences in systems between sister-training and SISTER Cloud which caused the process of implementing the skills test to be complicated and long. To overcome this challenge, the Ministry of Education and Culture developed the Assessor Recruitment feature on SISTER Cloud to help make the implementation of the skills test more structured. The Assessor Recruitment feature is designed to replace the manual process that often causes errors and slows down the process before and after the exam. The development of this feature is expected to simplify the workflow, reduce the risk of administrative errors, and increase the effectiveness of BKD evaluations in higher education institutions, thereby improving the overall user experience for both lecturers and the ministry. Keywords: Asessor, BKD, SISTER, Kemendikbud. PB - FAKULTAS MATEMATIKA DAN ILMU PENGETAHUAN ALAM TI - PENGEMBANGAN FITUR RECRUITMENT ASESOR UNTUK PROSES UJIAN KETERAMPILAN CALON ASESOR PADA WEBSITE SISTEM INFORMASI SUMBER DAYA TERINTEGRASI (SISTER) AV - restricted ER -