%A PUTRI OKTAVIANI DWI %T PERANCANGAN ULANG UI/UX DESIGN WEBSITE SURVEYASIA MENGGUNAKAN METODE USER CENTERED DESIGN %X SurveyAsia adalah platform online yang dirancang untuk membantu akademisi dalam membuat survei yang responsif dan interaktif. Saat ini, pengembangan website SurveyAsia masih berlangsung karena jumlah pengguna yang masih rendah karena fitur yang dimiliki kurang menarik dan tampilan yang kurang interaktif. Oleh karena itu, penelitian ini bertujuan untuk melakukan perancangan ulang UI/UX desain website SurveyAsia untuk meningkatkan minat dan keterlibatan pengguna melalui beberapa upaya, dengan melakukan desain ulang fitur QOTD responden, menyediakan paket gratis bagi researcher, serta memberikan akses kepada redaksi untuk mengelola fitur VIKAsia. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode user centered design yang berfokus pada kebutuhan pengguna dalam meningkatkan aspek efesiensi, efektif, dan learnbility. Hasil pengujian kepada 9 subjek penelitian dilakukan kepada peran responden, researcher, redaksi menggunakan metode cognitive walkthrough. Dari evaluasi yang dilakukan responden mendapatkan hasil effectiveness sebesar 100%, effeciency sebesar 100%, dan learnability 91%. Selanjutnya, researcher mendapatkan hasil effectiveness 80%, effeciency sebesar 72%, dan learnability sebesar 88%. Selanjutnya redaksi mendapatkan hasil effectiveness sebesar 88%, effeciency sebesar 94%, dan learnability sebesar 88%. Selanjutnya, hasil pengujian menggunakan single ease question responden mendapatkan nilai sebesar 6.8, researcher sebesar 6.7, dan untuk peran redaksi dilakukan 2x iterasi dengan hasil akhir sebesar 6.5. Evaluasi menggunakan metode Cognitive Walkthrough dan SEQ menunjukkan peningkatan signifikan dalam efektivitas, efisiensi, dan kepuasan pengguna. Kata Kunci: SurveyAsia, User centered design, UIUX, Figma, SEQ SurveyAsia is an online platform designed to assist academics in creating responsive and interactive surveys. Currently, the development of the SurveyAsia website is still ongoing due to the low number of users, which is attributed to the lack of attractive features and an unengaging interface. Therefore, this research aims to redesign the UI/UX design of the SurveyAsia website to increase user interest and engagement through several efforts, including redesigning the QOTD respondent feature, providing free packages for researchers, and granting access to the editorial team to manage the VIKAsia feature. This research employs the user-centered design method, focusing on user needs to improve efficiency, effectiveness, and learnability. Usability testing was conducted on 9 research subjects with the roles of respondents, researchers, and editors using the cognitive walkthrough method. From the evaluation, respondents achieved 100% effectiveness, 100% efficiency, and 91% learnability. Researchers achieved 80% effectiveness, 72% efficiency, and 88% learnability. The editorial team achieved 88% effectiveness, 94% efficiency, and 88% learnability. Furthermore, the results of testing using a single ease question showed a score of 6.8 for respondents, 6.7 for researchers, and 6.5 for the editorial team after two iterations. Evaluation using the Cognitive Walkthrough and SEQ methods showed a significant improvement in user effectiveness, efficiency, and Learnability. Keywords: SurveyAsia, User centered design, UIUX, Figma, SEQ %C UNIVERSITAS LAMPUNG %D 2024 %I FAKULTAS TEKNIK %L eprints82107