%A Nurfaizah Zahara %T PEMANFAATAN MEDIA PERMAINAN PAKLEK FRAN?AIS GUNA MENINGKATKAN KETERAMPILAN BERBICARA BAHASA PRANCIS SISWA KELAS XI PERHOTELAN SMK N 3 BANDARLAMPUNG %X This research aims to determine the effectiveness of the game media ?paklek fran?ais? in improving the French speaking ability of the research subjects. The subjects of this research are students of class XI H?tellerie2 SMKN 3 Bandarlampung which consist of 30 students. This was a quantitative experiment. The research used pre-experimental design, one group pretest-posttest design. Data analysis used t-test, n-gain test, normality test, homogeneity test, validity test, and reliability test using SPSS 25. Based on the results of the data that has been collected, the pre-test has an average value of 52 and the post-test has an average value of 86. Based on these results, an increase of 34 was obtained. Then the t-test obtained a significance of 0.000 which means the hypothesis is accepted. In addition, there is a significant difference between the pre-test and post-test with an n-gain test result of 0.34. The n-gain test is 0.7035 which is included in the high category. Keyword : Speaking Skills, Learning Media, Paklek Fran?ais. Cette recherche vise ? d?terminer l'efficacit? du jeu m?diatique ? paklek fran?ais ? dans le but d'am?lioration de la production oral?. Les sujets de cette recherche sont les ?l?ves de la classe XI H?tellerie 2 SMKN 3 Bandarlampung, soit 30 ?l?ves. Il s'agit d'une la metode quantitative. La recherche a utilis? une conception pr?-exp?rimentale, une conception pr?-test-post-test ? un groupe. L'analyse des donn?es a utilis? le test t, le test de gain n, le test de normalit?, le test d'homog?n?it?, le test de validit? et le test de fiabilit? ? l'aide de SPSS 25. Base sur les r?sultat de recherche, il y avait une augmentation de la du pr?-test et du post-test, c?estait 34. Cette ?tude montre les r?sultats de l'hypoth?se accept?e et les r?sultats du test n-gain de 0,7035 qui sont inclus dans la cat?gorie ?lev?e. Mots cl?s: Le Production Orale, Le M?dia D'apprentissage, Le Paklek Fran?ais. %C UNIVERSITAS LAMPUNG %D 2024 %I FAKULTAS KEGURUAN DAN ILMU PENDIDIKAN %L eprints82151