%A TANTOWI AKBAR %T THE EFFECT OF EXTENSIVE LISTENING USING PODCASTS ON THE LISTENING ABILITY OF HIGH SCHOOL STUDENTS %X This paper focuses on improving listening abilities because it is considered to be the most important ability among other language abilities. Using a quantitative research methodology and a one-group pretest-posttest design. The research instrument comprised of a 40-question multiple-choice test, tested with bivariate Pearson correlation (Validity) and split-half methods (Reliability), resulting a valid (33 VALID: 7 INVALID) and reliable (value of 0.820 > 0.80) results. The study involved 29 high school students from SMAN 9 Bandar Lampung, selected by their English teacher. In order to analyze the results, SPSS was used to help the researcher, it was found the mean score of pretest and postest was 61.9540 and 90.69. Normality tests (Shapiro-Wilk) also used to indicate the values of pretest and postest, with the value of of 0.104 (pretest) and 0.173 (posttest), both > 0.05. While the paired sample t-test yielded a value of 0.00, which is < 0.05. After the results were analyzed, it was then concluded that, the results considered to be success (with value of paired sample t-test was 0.00 which means %C UNIVERSITAS LAMPUNG %D 2024 %I FAKULTAS KEGURUAN DAN ILMU PENDIDIKAN %L eprints82163