TY - GEN CY - UNIVERSITAS LAMPUNG ID - eprints82501 UR - http://digilib.unila.ac.id/82501/ A1 - HUSNA , NABILA ZHAFIRA Y1 - 2024/06/13/ N2 - Pada awal tahun 2020, kondisi perekonomian nasional mengalami keterpurukan akibat pandemi Covid-19. Pandemi Covid-19 telah membawa pengaruh yang sangat besar terhadap keberlangsungan semua aspek kehidupan, salah satu aspek yang paling signifikan terkena imbas pandemi covid-19 adalah keberlanjutan UMKM. Sekitar 96% UMKM terkena dampak negatif dari pandemi covid-19, dan 75% diantaranya mengalami penurunan terhadap penjualan produknya (Novianti,2020). Tak hanya itu, 51% pelaku usaha meyakini kemungkinan besar bisnis yang dijalankan hanya akan bertahan satu bulan hingga tiga bulan ke depan. 75% merasa tidak mengerti bagaimana membuat langkah selanjutnya di masa krisis, dan hanya 13% pelaku usaha yang mempunyai keyakinan bisa mempertahankan usahanya. Kata Kunci : Implementasi kebijakan, pasca covid-19, UMKM. ABSTRACT THE IMPLEMENTATION OF THE BANDAR LAMPUNG CITY GOVERNMENT POLICY IN STRENGTHENING MICRO, SMALL AND MEDIUM BUSINESS PRODUCTS AFTER THE COVID-19 PANDEMIC (Study at The Cooperative and UMKM Service Of Bandar Lampung City) By HUSNA NABILA ZHAFIRA At the beginning of 2020, the condition of the national economy experienced a deterioration due to the covid-19 pandemic. The covid-19 pandemic has had a huge influence on the sustainability of all aspects of life, one of the most significant aspects affected by the covid-19 pandemic is the sustainability around 96% of negatively affected by covid-19, and 75% of them experienced a decline in product sales (Novianti,2020). Not only that, 51% of business actors believe that the most likely business run will only last oen month to three months in the next. 75% feel they do not understand how to make the next step in times of crisis, and only 13% of business actors who have confidence can maintain their business. Keywords: Policy Implementation, Post Covid-19, UMKM. PB - ILMU SOSIAL DAN ILMU POLITIK TI - IMPLEMENTASI KEBIJAKAN PEMERINTAH KOTA BANDAR LAMPUNG DALAM PENGUATAN PRODUK USAHA MIKRO, KECIL, DAN MENENGAH PASCA PANDEMI COVID-19 (Studi Di Dinas Koperasi Usaha Kecil & Menengah Kota Bandar Lampung) AV - restricted ER -