@misc{eprints82530, month = {Agustus}, title = {LAMA MASA PAJANG BUNGA POTONG SEDAP MALAM (Polianthes tuberosa L.) DALAM BERBAGAI LARUTAN PERENDAM}, author = {Delta Lita Deka }, address = {UNIVERSITAS LAMPUNG}, publisher = {FAKULTAS PERTANIAN}, year = {2024}, url = {http://digilib.unila.ac.id/82530/}, abstract = {Bunga potong sedap malam merupakan tanaman hias yang populer sebagai tanaman hias indoor yang keindahannya dilihat dari kualitas bunga dan kesegaran bunga pada masa peragaan. Kesegaran bunga potong dipertahankan dengan pemberian larutan perendam (pengawet) baik ekstrak kimia maupun ekstrak organik. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh larutan perendam kimia dan larutan perendam organik dalam mempertahankan kesegaran bunga potong sedap malam. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan di Laboratorium Pascapanen Fakultas Pertanian Universitas Lampung pada Februari-Maret 2024. Penelitian ini disusun dalam Rancangan Acak Kelompok (RAK) dengan perlakuan tunggal objek 5 macam yang diulang 4 kali. Perlakuan tersebut adalah L0 (air). L1 (air + sukrosa 2\% + asam sitrat 2\% + AgNO3 20 ppm). L2 (air + sukrosa 2\% + ekstrak kunyit 20\%). L3 (air + sukrosa 2\% + ekstrak daun sirih 20\%). dan L4 (air + sukrosa 2\% + ekstrak lidah buaya 30\%). Homogenitas ragam diuji dengan Uji Bartlett dan kemenambahan data diuji dengan Uji Tukey. kemudian dianalisis dengan sidik ragam dan dilanjutkan dengan Orthogonal Kontras pada taraf 5\%. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pemberian larutan perendam berpengaruh pada lama masa pajang bunga. tetapi tidak berpengaruh terhadap volume larutan terserap. skor kerusakan bunga. jumlah total bunga layu dan jumlah total bunga mekar. dan jumlah total bunga rontok. Kesegaran bunga potong sedap malam yang terbaik ditandai dengan banyaknya kuntum bunga mekar, rendahnya kuntum bunga layu dan bunga rontok, rendahnya skor kerusakan bunga, banyaknya ekstrak yang terserap, diperoleh pada perlakuan perendam kimia kombinasi air, sukrosa, asam sitrat, dan AgNO3 yang masa pajangnya mencapai 7.88 hari. Larutan perendam organik yg terbaik adalah ekstrak ekstrak daun sirih yang masa pajangnya mencapai 7.44 hari. Kata kunci: vase life, AgNO3, sedap malam, esktrak daun sirih, larutan perendam Tuberose cut flowers are a popular ornamental plant as an indoor ornamental plant whose beauty is seen from the quality of the flowers and the freshness of the flowers during the demonstration period. The freshness of cut flowers is maintained by giving holding solution (preservative) either chemical solution or organic solution. This study aims to determine the effect of chemical holding solution and organic holding solution in maintaining the freshness of cut flowers. This research was conducted at the Postharvest Laboratory of the Faculty of Agriculture, Lampung University in February-March 2024. This research was arranged in a Randomized Group Design (RAK) with a single treatment of 5 kinds of objects repeated 4 times. The treatments were L0 (water). L1 (water + 2\% sucrose + 2\% citric acid + 20 ppm AgNO3). L2 (water + 2\% sucrose + 20\% turmeric solution). L3 (water + 2\% sucrose + 20\% betel leaf solution). and L4 (water + 2\% sucrose + 30\% aloe vera solution). Homogeneity of variance was tested with Bartlett's Test and data multiplicity was tested with Tukey's Test, then analyzed with variance and continued with Orthogonal Contrast at the 5\% level. The results showed that the application of the holding solution had an effect on the length of the flower display period, but did not affect the volume of solution absorbed, flower damage score, the total number of wilted flowers and the total number of blooming flowers, and the total number of fallen flowers. The best freshness of cut flowers is characterized by the number of blooming flowers, the low number of wilted flowers and fallen flowers, the low flower damage score, the amount of solution absorbed is obtained in the treatment of chemical solution combination of water, sucrose, citrit acid, and AgNO3 whose display period/ vase life reaches 7.88 days. The best organic holding solution was the betel leaf extract solution with a vase life of 7.44 days. Keywords: vase life. AgNO3, tuberose, betel leaf extract, holding solutions} }