%0 Generic %A Wisnu , Mugi Wicaksono %C UNIVERSITAS LAMPUNG %D 2024 %F eprints:82582 %I ILMU SOSIAL DAN ILMU POLITIK %T PENGARUH SHOPPING PROMOTION PADA SOSIAL MEDIA INSTAGRAM TERHADAPPERILAKU PENGGUNA APLIKASI SHOPEE (STUDI PADA MAHASISWA FISIPUNIVERSITAS LAMPUNG) %U http://digilib.unila.ac.id/82582/ %X Berkembang pesatnya teknologi media baru dan internet mambuat semua pengguna harus siap dengan kebaharuan yang hadir, seperti halnya Shopping Promotion. Kebaharuan tersebut hadir dibarengi juga dengan berkembangnya pasar digital Shopee. Promosi sangat banyak sekali modelnya salah satunya promosi tanggal cantik yang pasa Aplikasi Shopee. Fokus penelitian megarah kepada analisis dampak promosi belanja (shopping promotion) di Instagram terhadap perilaku pengguna aplikasi Shopee. Shopee sebagai pasar digital yang berkembang pesat, melakukan strategi promosi tanggal cantik sebagai salah satu model promosi yang populer di Shopee. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui dan menjelaskan seberapa pengaruh Shopping Promotion pada Sosial Media Instagram terhadap perilaku pengguna Aplikasi Shopee. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan deskriptif kuantitatif dengan jumlah 100 reponden. Dalam memperoleh dan mengumpulkan data, dilakukan penyebaran kuisioner dar sampel yang mewakili populasi sesuai dengan keperluan penelitian. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian, diketahui bahwa pengaruh Shopping Promotion pada sosial media Instagram berpengaruh sebesar 26,6% terhadap perilaku pengguna Aplikasi Shopee. Sedangkan 73,4% yang artinya terdapat pengaruh lain yang dipengaruhi oleh faktor lain terhadap pengaruh Shopping Promotion. Kata kunci : Instagram, Pengaruh Media, Perilaku Pengguna, Aplikasi Shopee ABSTRACT THE INFLUENCE OF SHOPPING PROMOTION ON INSTAGRAM SOCIAL MEDIASHOPEE APPLICATION USER BEHAVIOR (STUDY ON FISIP STUDENTS LAMPUNG UNIVERSITY) By Wisnu Mugi Wicaksono The rapid development of new media technology and the internet means that all users must be ready for the new things that come, such as shopping promotions. This novelty comes along with the development of the Shopee digital market. There are lots of promotions, one of which is the beautiful date promotion on the Shopee application. The focus of the research focuses on analyzing the impact of shopping promotions on Instagram on the behavior of Shopee application users. Shopee, as a rapidly growing digital market, carries out a beautiful date promotion strategy as one of the popular promotional models on Shopee. This research aims to find out and explain how much influence Shopping Promotion on Instagram Social Media has on the behavior of Shopee Application users. This research used a quantitative descriptive approach with a total of 100 respondents. In obtaining and collecting data, questionnaires were distributed from samples representing the population in accordance with research needs. Based on the research results, it is known that the influence of Shopping Promotion on Instagram social media has an effect of 26.6% on the behavior of Shopee Application users. Meanwhile, 73.4% means that there are other influences that are influenced by other factors on the influence of Shopping Promotion. Keywords: Instagram, Media Influence, User Behavior, Shopee Application