%A MUZAKI ASEP %T FAKTOR YANG MEMPENGARUHI NIAT BELI ULANG PADA RESTORAN ALAS COBEK DI BANDAR LAMPUNG %X Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui niat beli ulang konsumen Restoran Alas Cobek yang diduga dipengaruhi oleh faktor pemasaran media sosial, kualitas produk, citra Restoran Alas Cobek dan kepuasan konsumen terhadap layanan dan hidangan yang sajikan Restoran Alas Cobek. Penelitian ini mengadopsi teori stimulus, organism, response untuk mengonfirmasi hubungan antara respon emosional dan respon konsumen dalam hal niat dan pembelian. Responden pada penelitian merupakan konsumen yang datang ke Restoran Alas Cobek dan pernah mengakses media sosial yang dimiliki oleh Restoran Alas Cobek. Pengambil sampel menggunakan purposive sampling sebanyak 330 responden yang diolah menggunakan structural equation modeling dengan aplikasi LISREL. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pemasaran media sosial, kualitas produk, citra merek berpengaruh terhadap kepuasan konsumen sehingga berdampak pada pembelian ulang konsumen pada Restoran Alas Cobek. Penelitian ini berimplikasi bahwa restoran alas cobek perlu melakukan perbaikan dalam pemberlian informasi melalui pemasaran media sosial mengenai produk dan layanan Restoran Alas Cobek. Kata kunci : pemasaran media sosial, kualitas produk, citra merek, kepuasan niat beli ulang iii ABSTRACT FACTORS THAT INFLUENCE REPURCHASE INTENTIONS AT ALAS COBEK RESTAURANTS AT BANDAR LAMPUNG ASEP MUZAKI This study aimed to determine the repurchase intention of Alas Cobek Restaurant consumers, which is thought to be influenced by social media marketing factors, product quality, Alas Cobek Restaurant image, and consumer satisfaction with the services and dishes served by the Alas Cobek Restaurant. This study adopts the stimulus, organism, and response theory to confirm the relationship between emotional and consumer responses in terms of intention and purchase. Respondents were consumers who came to the Alas Cobek Restaurant and had access to social media owned by the Alas Cobek Restaurant. Purposive sampling included 330 respondents who were processed using structural equation modeling with the LISREL application. The results show that social media marketing, product quality, and brand image affect customer satisfaction, which has an impact on consumer repurchases at the Alas Cobek Restaurant. This research implies that Alas Cobek restaurants need to make improvements in providing information through social media marketing regarding Alas Cobek Restaurant products and services. Keywords: social media marketing, product quality, brand image, satisfaction repurchase intention %D 2024 %I UNIVERSITAS LAMPUNG %L eprints83073