%0 Thesis %9 Masters %A Nurul , Kholifah %B EKONOMI DAN BISNIS %D 2024 %F eprints:83313 %I UNIVERSITAS LAMPUNG %T PENGARUH RELATIONSHIP MARKETING DAN BRAND IMAGE TERHADAP CUSTOMER LOYALTY DENGAN CUSTOMER SATISFACTION SEBAGAI VARIABEL MEDIASI (STUDI PADA STARBUCKS COFFEE INDONESIA) %U http://digilib.unila.ac.id/83313/ %X Persaingan bisnis coffee shop yang sangat ketat menjadiikan kualitas layanan dan orientasi pelanggan memiliki peran penting untuk memberi kepuasaan pelanggan dan membangun loyalitas pelanggan. Starbucks adalah salah satu brand coffee shop terbesar di Indonesia yang sangat memperhatikan marketing strategy dan lebih mengarah kepada hubungan pelanggan, yaitu relationship marketing (RM). Brand image dan brand loyalty juga memainkan peran penting dalam membedakan perusahaan dan merupakan alat pemasaran yang kuat dan dengan dimediasi oleh customer satisfaction. Sampel dalam penelitian ini 210 yang diambil secara purposive sampling. Data yang diperoleh dianalisis menggunakan analisis model persamaan struktural (SEM) dengan bantuan aplikasi Amos 24. Hasil penelitian relationship marketing berpengaruh positif signifikan terhadap customer loyalty dan customer satisfaction. Brand image berpengaruh positif tidak signifikan terhadap customer loyalty, namun memiliki pengaruh positif signifikan terhadap customer satisfaction. Customer satisfaction berpengaruh positif signifikan terhadap customer loyalty. Satisfaction memediasi pengaruh Relationship marketing dan Brand image terhadap customer loyalty. Kata Kunci: Relationship Marketing, Brand Customer Loyalty, Customer Satisfaction. The very competition in the coffee shop business means that service quality and customer orientation play an important role in providing customer satisfaction and building customer loyalty. Starbucks is one of the largest coffee shop brands in Indonesua which really pays attention to marketing strategy and focuses more on customer relationship, namely relationship marketing (RM). Brand image and brand loyalty also play in importan role in differentiating a company and are powerful marketing tools mediated by customer satisfaction. The sample in this study was 210 taken by purposive sampling. The data obtained was analyzed using structural equation modeling (SEM) analysis with help of the Amos 24 application. The result of relationship marketing research have a significant positive effect on customer loyalty and customer satisfaction. Brand Image has an insignificant positive effect on customer loyalty, but has a significant positive effect on customer loyalty. Satisfaction mediates the influence of relationship marketing and brand image on customer loyalty. Keywords: Relationship Marketing, Brand, Customer Loyalty, Customer Satisfaction .