TY - GEN CY - UNIVERSITAS LAMPUNG ID - eprints83355 UR - http://digilib.unila.ac.id/83355/ A1 - NOVA , ATIKA ROYANI Y1 - 2024/08/08/ N2 - Pesatnya perkembangan yang terjadi akibat revolusi industri 4.0 dan society 5.0 menyebabkan banyak adanya perubahan dalam pelaksanaan pembelajaran sehingga tenaga pendidik perlu beradaptasi dan berinovasi dalam melaksanakan pembelajaran. Proses pelaksanaan pembelajaran perlu diintegrasikan dengan kemajuan teknologi yang terus berkembang agar tidak menjadi sekolah yang tertinggal. Kepala sekolah merupakan pemimpin utama yang berperan dalam mengendalikan dan mengarahkan pelaksanaan pembelajaran di sekolah. Penerapan instructional leadership dan servant leadership kepala sekolah sangat diperlukan pada keprofesionalan tenaga pendidik khususnya pada era yang terus berkembang saat ini sehingga akan menentukan kualitas mutu pembelajaran sekolah di era society 5.0. Peran kepala sekolah dalam hal ini yakni sebagai pemimpin pembelajaran dan pelayanan bagi tenaga pendidik di sekolah sehingga dapat terwujudnya mutu pembelajaran seperti yang diharapkan. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan guna mengetahui hubungan instructional leadership dan servant leadership kepala sekolah dasar dengan mutu pembelajaran di era society 5.0 di Gugus Matahari Kecamatan Natar. Populasi berjumlah 161 tenaga kependidikan. Adapun pengambilan sampel yakni dengan teknik proportionate stratified random sampling terdiri atas kepala sekolah dan sebagian pendidik di Gugus Matahari Kecamatan Natar dengan total 63 responden. Desain yang digunakan yaitu pendekatan kuantitatif. Terkumpulnya data penelitian melalui teknik angket dan dokumentasi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa terdapat hubungan yang signifikan antara instructional leadership dan servant leadership kepala sekolah dasar dengan mutu pembelajaran di era society 5.0 dengan koefisien korelasi sebesar 0,825 berada pada kriteria ?Sangat Kuat?. Kata kunci: leadership, mutu pembelajaran, instructional, servant. The rapid development that occurs due to the industrial revolution 4.0 and society 5.0 causes many changes in the implementation of learning so that educators need to adapt and innovate in carrying out learning. The process of implementing learning needs to be integrated with technological advances that continue to develop so as not to become a school that is left behind. The principal is the main leader who plays a role in controlling and directing the implementation of learning in schools. The application of instructional leadership and servant leadership of school principals is needed in the professionalism of educators, especially in the era that continues to develop today so that it will determine the quality of school learning quality in the era of society 5.0. The role of the principal in this case is as a leader of learning and service for educators in schools so that the quality of learning can be realised as expected. This study was conducted to determine the relationship between instructional leadership and servant leadership of elementary school principals with learning quality in the era of society 5.0 in Gugus Matahari, Natar District. The population totalled 161 education personnel. The sampling was using proportionate stratified random sampling technique consisting of school principals and some educators in Gugus Matahari Natar District with a total of 63 respondents. The design used is a quantitative approach. The research data were collected through questionnaire and documentation techniques. The results showed that there is a significant relationship between instructional leadership and servant leadership of elementary school principals with the quality of learning in the era of society 5.0 with a correlation coefficient of 0.825 which is in the ?Very Strong? criteria. Keywords: leadership, learning quality, instructional, servant. PB - FAKULTAS KEGURUAN DAN ILMU PENDIDIKAN TI - HUBUNGAN INSTRUCTIONAL LEADERSHIP DAN SERVANT LEADERSHIP KEPALA SEKOLAH DASAR DENGAN MUTU PEMBELAJARAN DI ERA SOCIETY 5.0 AV - restricted ER -