@misc{eprints83359, month = {September}, title = {ADVOKASI GREENPEACE INDONESIA DALAM UPAYA RATIFIKASI KONVENSI ILO 188 DI INDONESIA, 2019-2023}, author = {Najmah RA. Nurmiali }, address = {UNIVERSITAS LAMPUNG}, publisher = {FAKULTAS ILMU SOSIAL DAN ILMU POLITIK}, year = {2024}, url = {http://digilib.unila.ac.id/83359/}, abstract = {Indonesia is the largest fisheries producing country in Southeast Asia and one of the suppliers of migrant fishery workers on foreign fishing vessels. However, protection for Indonesian fisheries workers is not optimal. This is a concern for Greenpeace to encourage the Indonesian government to ratify international regulations. Greenpeace Indonesia advocates to encourage the Indonesian government to ratify ILO Convention 188. This research aims to explain Greenpeace Indonesia's advocacy in efforts to ratify ILO Convention 188 in Indonesia in the period 2019 to 2023. This research uses descriptive qualitative methods by processing primary data from interviews and secondary data from literature studies. The theory used is Transnational Advocacy Network with roles Non-Governmental Organization. The finding in this research is that Greenpeace Indonesia plays a role service delivery for migrant fisheries workers, catalysis for the Indonesian government, and partnership for NGOs that have a similar vision. Apart from that, Greenpeace Indonesia and its network are implementing four strategies: Transnational Advocacy Network that is information politics such as making reports, video documentaries and podcasts, symbolic politics such as making films to carrying out peaceful demonstrations, leverage politics such as collaborating with other NGOs and supporting the actions of Greenpeace United States, and accountability politics such as direct confrontation with the relevant ministries and ASEAN. Greenpeace Indonesia is carrying out its strategy together with its network to strengthen the push for Indonesia to ratify ILO Convention 188. Of the four strategies carried out by Greenpeace Indonesia and its network, information politics is the most widely used strategy. \_\_\_\_\_\_\_ Keywords: advocacy, Greenpeace, Indonesia, ILO Convention 18 Indonesia merupakan negara penghasil perikanan terbesar di Asia Tenggara dan salah satu pemasok pekerja perikanan migran di kapal penangkap ikan asing. Namun, perlindungan bagi pekerja perikanan Indonesia belum terlaksana dengan maksimal. Hal ini menjadi perhatian Greenpeace guna mendorong pemerintah Indonesia untuk meratifikasi regulasi internasional.yaitu Konvensi ILO 188. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menjelaskan advokasi Greenpeace Indonesia dalam upaya ratifikasi Konvensi ILO 188 di Indonesia selama tahun 2019 hingga 2023. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif deskriptif dengan jenis data primer yang bersumber dari wawancara dan jenis data sekunder melalui studi kepustakaan. Konsep yang digunakan adalah Transnational Advocacy Network dan konsep peran Non-Governmental Organization. Hasil penelitian ini adalah Greenpeace Indonesia berperan sebagai service delivery bagi pekerja perikanan migran, catalysis bagi pemerintah Indonesia, dan partnership bagi NGO yang memiliki visi serupa. Selain itu, Greenpeace Indonesia bersama jaringannya melakukan empat strategi Transnational Advocacy Network yaitu pertama, information politics seperti membuat laporan, video dokumenter, dan podcast. Kedua, symbolic politics seperti membuat film hingga melakukan aksi damai. Ketiga, leverage politics seperti berkolaborasi dengan NGO lain dan mendukung aksi Greenpeace Amerika Serikat. Keempat, accountability politics seperti konfrontasi langsung ke kementerian terkait dan ASEAN. Greenpeace Indonesia menjalankan strategi bersama jaringannya untuk memperkuat dorongan terhadap Indonesia agar meratifikasi Konvensi ILO 188. Kata kunci: advokasi, Greenpeace, Indonesia, Konvensi ILO 188} }