creators_name: NADIA , KHUMAIRATUN NISA creators_id: 2226021017 type: thesis datestamp: 2025-02-13 14:13:25 lastmod: 2025-02-13 14:13:25 metadata_visibility: show title: MANAJEMEN PEMERINTAHAN KOLABORATIF DALAM PELESTARIAN BUDAYA KESENIAN MUSIK GAMBUS LAMPUNG BARAT ispublished: pub subjects: 320 full_text_status: restricted abstract: Permasalahan penelitian ini adalah hilangnya eksistensi kesenian musik gambus Lampung Barat selama kurun waktu dua dekade (2000-2017) akibat tidak adanya inisiasi pemerintah dalam memaksimalkan peranan untuk menghadirkan kegiatan pelestarian budaya serta tidak adanya wadah bagi aktor untuk berkolaborasi. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengkaji atau menganalisis manajemen pemerintahan kolaboratif dalam pelestarian budaya kesenian musik gambus Lampung Barat dilihat dari aspek konteks sistem, drivers (pendorong), dinamika kolaborasi, tindakan kolaborasi, dampak dan adaptasi kolaborasi, serta masalah manajemen pemerintahan kolaboratif. Tipe penelitian adalah deskriptif kualitatif dengan teknik pengumpulan data primer yang melibatkan 5 (lima) orang informan meliputi Dinas Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan, Dinas Kepemudaan, Olahraga, dan Pariwisata, Budayawan/Pemerhati Budaya, Sanggar Banjar Masin, dan Sanggar Andan Muakhi. Analisis data dilakukan melalui tahapan reduksi data, penyajian dan verifikasi data. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pelestarian budaya kesenian musik gambus Lampung Barat telah memenuhi dimensi manajemen pemerintahan kolaboratif. Aktor kolaborasi memiliki keterkaitan untuk memfasilitasi anggaran dan event kebudayaan, pendampingan sanggar orkes gambus dan pendataan, serta menjaga aktivitas kesenian musik gambus di masyarakat. Kelemahan dalam proses kolaborasi ini belum didukung pengaturan prosedural. Adapun masalah manajemen pemerintahan kolaboratif dalam pelestarian budaya kesenian musik gambus Lampung Barat adalah kesalahpahaman (missunderstanding) yang muncul akibat perbedaan budaya antar aktor kolaborasi yang kurang sensitif terhadap komunikasi lintas budaya, dinamika manajemen administrasi pemerintah yang tidak sederhana, dan egoisme terhadap cara pandang dan kepentingan aktor kolaborasi. Kata Kunci: Manajemen Pemerintahan Kolaboratif, Pelestarian Budaya, Kesenian Musik Gambus ABSTRACT COLLABORATIVE GOVERNANCE MANAJEMENT IN THE PRESEVATION OF WEST LAMPUNG’S GAMBUS MUSICAL ART CULTURE By NADIA KHUMAIRATUN NISA The problem addressed in this research is the loss of existence of the West Lampung gambus music artistry over a period of two decades (2000-2018) due to the lack of government initiation in maximizing its role in bringing about cultural preservation activities, as well as the absence of a platform for actors to collaborate. The aim of this study is to examine or analyze collaborative government management in the preservation of the West Lampung gambus music artistry culture, viewed from the aspects of contextual system, drivers, collaboration dynamics, collaborative actions, impacts and adaptations of collaboration, as well as problems in collaborative government management. The research type is descriptive qualitative, employing primary data collection techniques involving 5 informants comprising the Department of Education and Culture, the Department of Youth, Sports, and Tourism, Cultural Scholars/Enthusiasts, Banjar Masin Studio, and Andan Muakhi Studio. Data analysis is conducted through stages of data reduction, presentation, and verification. The research findings indicate that the preservation of the West Lampung gambus music artistry culture has fulfilled the dimensions of collaborative government management. Collaborative actors are interconnected to facilitate cultural budgeting and events, accompany gambus orchestra studios and data collection, as well as sustain gambus music artistry activities within the community. Weaknesses in this collaboration process are not supported by procedural regulations. The issues in collaborative government management in preserving the West Lampung gambus music artistry culture include missunderstanding arising from cultural differences among collaborative actors who are less sensitive to cross-cultural communication, the dynamics of government administrative management that are not straightforward, and egoism regarding the perspectives and interests of collaborative actors. Keywords: Collaborative Governance Management, Cultural Presevation, Gambus Music Art date: 2024-06-11 date_type: published institution: UNIVERSITAS LAMPUNG department: FAKULTAS ILMU SOSIAL DAN ILMU POLITIK thesis_type: masters citation: NADIA , KHUMAIRATUN NISA (2024) MANAJEMEN PEMERINTAHAN KOLABORATIF DALAM PELESTARIAN BUDAYA KESENIAN MUSIK GAMBUS LAMPUNG BARAT. Masters thesis, UNIVERSITAS LAMPUNG. document_url: document_url: document_url: