%A INDAH TIKA HASWURI NUR %T INTEGRATING TIME TOKEN WITH STRIP STORY TO IMPROVE STUDENTS? SPEAKING ACHIEVEMENT IN TEACHING EXPLANATION TEXT %X The objectives of the present study are (1) to investigate the significant difference of students? speaking achievement after being taught through integrating time token with strip story and original time token, (2) to find out how the students? perception about implementation integrating time token with strip story ,and also (3) to find out which aspect improved the most after being taught through time token with strip story and original time token. To answer the aforementioned research questions, a quantitative true experimental; control group pretest ? posttest design was employed. The samples of the research were two classes and each of which consist of 25 students in the grade of eleventh of SMA Taruna Gajahmada Metro in academic 2023/ 2024. The instruments of the research were speaking test and a perception questionnaire. The research used independent t-test as data analysis of the research. The result of the first research question showed that the p alpha value (significance level) at Sig 2 tailed (0.000) was lower than 0.05. Thus, it can be inferred that there was significant difference on students? speaking achievement between those who were taught through the integrating time token with strip story and the original time token. The second research question was that following the implementation of the plan, 38.43% of students strongly agreed, 36.20% agreed, 24.79 students were neutral, 0.41% disagreed, and and 0.17 students severely disagreed. By computing the rating scale of the agreement (positive), neutral, and disagreement (negative) level, the Likert Scale was utilized to evaluate the students' degree .According to the results, students' overall agreement level was 72% of 100%. As a result, the students' opinions about the implementation of the integrating time token with strip story were generally positive (agree and highly agree). And the last research question was what aspect improved after being taught by using time token with strip story .The score showed that the aspect which improved the most was fluency and for the control class was comprehention. In conclusion, this research showed that by using integrating time token with strip story can improve students? speaking achievement in teaching explanation text. Keywords: Speaking Achievement, Time token, Strip Story, Explanation Text %D 2024 %I UNIVERSITAS LAMPUNG %L eprints83690