%A Ranjilita Dwi Purnama Ola %T MODIFYING DRAW LABEL CAPTION (DLC) STRATEGY BASED ON THREE STEP INTERVIEW TO INCREASE STUDENTS? WRITING ABILITY AT 7th GRADE OF SMP NEGERI 1 GISTING %X Writing is one of skills that should be learnt by the students, they can express their thoughts, ideas, and feelings. In short, writing is a tool of communication in written form. This study aimed to find out: 1) the significant difference of students? writing ability after using modifying DLC strategy based on TSI and the original of DLC strategy. 2) what is the most improved aspect of writing ability after using modifying DLC strategy based on TSI. This study used quantitative study, the two classes of junior high school students were taken by purposive sampling, control class taught by using DLC Strategy and experimental class taught by using modifying of DLC Strategy based on TSI. The instruments used in this study were writing tests given to the students before and after receiving the treatment. The students? writings were then assessed based on five aspects of writing to derive their scores. The data were analyzed by comparing the mean score of each class and running Independent Sample T-test to address the first question and Repeated Measure T-test for the second question. The analysis showed that there was a statistically significant difference of students? writing in modifying DLC strategy based on TSI got a higher mean score than the students in DLC strategy. The use of modifying DLC strategy based on TSI was applicable to increase students? writing ability. The result showed that the score of students? writing descriptive text of the pre-test in control class is 63.04 and the post test score in control class is 68.85 with gain score 5.81, while the score of pre-test in experimental class is 65.08 and post-test in experimental class is 72.81with gain score 7.73. It means that the students? writing ability in descriptive text of post-test in the experimental class is higher than the control class. The highest improvement of writing aspect in control class was vocabulary that improved significantly as the value of sig. (2-tailed) is 0.000. Meanwhile, the highest aspect of writing in the experimental class was content that improved significantly since the value of sig. (2-tailed) is 0.000. It can be concluded that the modifying of DLC strategy based on TSI can be applied in teaching writing to make the teaching and learning process more interesting. It can improve students? writing ability significantly, especially in content. Keywords:Writing, Draw Label Caption strategy, Three-step Interview, descriptive text. %D 2024 %I UNIVERSITAS LAMPUNG %L eprints84069