%A TUL NAPSIYAH KHOFIFAH %T Analisis Optimalisasi Keuntungan Industri Bakery (Studi Kasus Home Industry Ghania's Cake Kota Bandar Lampung) %X The development of the bakery industry in Bandar Lampung causes Ghania's Cake to maximize profits through optimizing the production of original sponge cake, banana sponge cake, tape sponge cake, pandan sponge cake, steamed brownies, baked brownies, caramel, marble, and roll cake. This research was conducted to determine the optimum use of raw materials and the optimum production amount of each cake product in Ghania's Cake home industry. Linear progamming with the simplex method is the method used in this research and is carried out with the help of the Linear Interactive Discreat Optimizer (LINDO) application. The results showed that the use of raw materials in making the cake included wheat flour as much as 11.325 kg, eggs 16.544 kg, granulated sugar 12.44 kg, powdered sugar 1.65 kg, butter 7.875 kg, margarine 1.6 kg, cooking oil 2.46 kg, baking powder 0, 012 kg, emulsifier (SP) 0.255 kg, tapioca 0.84 kg, vanilli 0.16 kg, SKM 1.08 kg, milk powder 1.45 kg, chocolate powder 0.084 kg, chocolate bar 1.97 kg, cornstarch 0.185 kg, coconut milk 0.91 kg, tape 0.75 kg, banana 5.664 kg, pandan paste 0.07, and raisins 0.15 kg. The optimum production quantities of each cake product are original sponge cake 1 pan, banana sponge cake 12 pans, tape sponge cake 3 pans, pandan sponge cake 14 pans, steamed brownies 4 pans, baked brownies 14 pans, caramel 12 pans, marble 6 pans, and roll cake 17 pans with an increase in profit of Rp457,000.00. Keywords : Cake, materials, optimum, production, profit. Perkembangan industry bakery di kota bandar lampung menyebabkan Ghania?s Cake harus memaksimalkan keuntungan melalui optimasi produksi bolu original, bolu pisang, bolu tape, bolu pandan, brownies kukus, brownies panggang, karamel, marmer, dan roll cake. Penelitian ini dilakukan bertujuan untuk mengetahui penggunaan bahan baku yang optimum dan jumlah produksi optimum masing- masing produk cake di home industry Ghania?s Cake. Linear progamming dengan metode simpleks menjadi metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini dan dilakukan dengan berbantu aplikasi Linear Interactive Discreat Optimizer (LINDO). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan penggunaan bahan baku dalam pembuatan cake meliputi tepung terigu sebanyak 11,325 kg, telur 16,544 kg, gula pasir 12,44 kg, gula halus 1,65 kg, mentega 7,875 kg, margarin 1,6 kg, minyak goreng 2,46 kg, baking powder 0,012 kg, emulsifier (SP) 0,255 kg, tapioka 0,84 kg, vanilli 0,16 kg, SKM 1,08 kg, susu bubuk 1,45 kg, cokelat bubuk 0,084 kg, cokelat batang 1,97 kg, maizena 0,185 kg, santan 0,91 kg, tape 0,75 kg, pisang 5,664 kg, pasta pandan 0,07, dan kismis 0,15 kg. Jumlah produksi optimum masing-masing produk cake adalah bolu original sebanyak 1 loyang, bolu pisang 12 loyang, bolu tape 3 loyang, bolu pandan 14 loyang, brownies kukus 4 loyang, brownies panggang 14 loyang, karamel 12 loyang, marmer 6 loyang, dan roll cake 17 loyang dengan peningkatan keuntungan sebesar Rp457.000,00. Kata kunci : Bahan, cake, keuntungan, optimum, produksi. %C UNIVERSITAS LAMPUNG %D 2024 %I FAKULTAS PERTANIAN %L eprints84202