%A Zalmetri Mulia %T DEVELOPING TEACHING WRITING PROCEDURE BASED ON COMMUNICATIVE LANGUAGE TEACHING (CLT) TO IMPROVE STUDENTS? WRITING ACHIEVEMENT %X This study aims to find out the significant difference in students? writing achievement after being taught using the procedure of teaching writing based on Communicative Language Teaching and using the original procedure of teaching writing. Moreover, the researcher also wants to find out aspect of writing that improves the most after being taught by using procedure of teaching writing based Communicative Language Teaching. An experimental design was employed within quantitative research framework, involving two classes of seventh-grade of junior school students, each consisting of 20 subjects. The experimental group participated in a learning process applying procedure of teaching writing based on CLT principles, while the control group was taught through original procedure of teaching writing. The data were collected through writing tests given to the students before and after receiving the treatment. Afterwards, the data were analyzed through the independent t-test to answer first research question and Repeated Measure t-test to answer second research question. The results show a significant improvement in students? writing achievement after being taught by using the procedure of teaching writing based on CLT principles. This was evident from the increase in the mean score of posttest higher than pretest (75.7 > 69.4). Moreover, the result showed that sig. (2-tailed) is 0.000 which is lower than 0.05 (0.000 < 0.05). It means that H1 is statistically accepted. it can be proved that there is a significant difference in the students? writing achievement between the experimental and control group. Particularly, the highest increase was observed in the aspect of organization. In conclusion, this study affirms possibility of implementing CLT principles on the procedure of teaching writing in English learning. Keywords: Communicative Language Teaching, Procedure of Teaching Writing, Students? Writing Achievement. %D 2024 %I UNIVERSITAS LAMPUNG %L eprints84459