%A Azzahra Annisa %T MODIFYING PRESENTATION PRACTICE PRODUCTION TECHNIQUE BASED ON THE PRINCIPLES OF NATURAL APPROACH TO ENHANCE STUDENTS? SPEAKING ACHIEVEMENT IN SMAS AL KAUTSAR LAMPUNG %X The objectives of this research are to find out: 1) the significant difference in students? speaking achievement between students who are taught by using PPP Technique and PPP Technique based on the principles of Natural Approach, 2) the aspects of speaking improve significantly after they were taught by using PPP Technique and PPP Technique based on the principles of Natural Approach, and 3) what learning strategies are mostly used by the students after they were taught by using PPP Technique and PPP Technique based on the principles of Natural Approach. This research used a quantitative approach. The population of this research is the third-grade students of SMAS Al Kautsar Lampung. It took one class for the experimental group and one class for the control group there were 30 students in each class and the researcher used purposive sampling. This research used a speaking test to answer the first and second research questions, and a questionnaire to answer the third research question. The result showed that there is a significant difference in students? speaking achievement between those who were taught through the original PPP Technique and those who were taught using the PPP Technique based on the principles of the Natural Approach. The value of sig. (2- tailed) in the independent sample t-test is 0.001, which means it is lower than 0.05, it can be concluded that the hypothesis is accepted since 0.001< 0.05. In experimental class, fluency, pronunciation, vocabulary, grammar, and comprehension improved significantly, whereas in control class only vocabulary and grammar improved significantly. In both experimental and control classes, social strategy was used the most during the treatments. The mean of social strategy in experimental class is higher than the mean in control class with 4.11 > 3.91. In brief, modifying PPP Technique based on the principles of Natural Approach is better than PPP Technique because the steps guided the students to be free to speak out naturally using English to share their ideas with their friends in group. Moreover, the students also had to debate their ideas with others to train them to think critically in generating ideas into a good text. Keywords: Speaking, PPP Technique, Natural Approach, Live Report MODIFYING %D 2024 %I UNIVERSITAS LAMPUNG %L eprints84523