%A RIZQI ZUHDI NUR?AFWAN MUHAMMAD %T DUGAAN PELANGGARAN TINDAK PIDANA PEMILIHAN PRESIDEN 2024 DI KOTA BANDAR LAMPUNG (STUDI KASUS KECAMATAN KEMILING ) %X Pemilu merupakan sarana kedaulatan rakyat untuk memilih anggota Dewan Perwakilan Rakyat, anggota Dewan Perwakilan Daerah, Presiden, serta Wakil Presiden, serta anggota Dewan Perwakilan Rakyat Daerah, yang dilaksanakan secara langsung, umum, bebas, rahasia, jujur, dan adil dalam Negara Kesatuan Republik Indonesia yang bersumber pada Pancasila serta Undang-Undang Dasar Negeri Republik Indonesia Tahun 1945. Pada pemilihan umum 2024 ini, diduga terjadi kasus pelanggaran pada Pemilihan Umum Presiden di Kecamatan Kemiling Permai, Kota Bandar Lampung. Terdapat laporan bahwa terdapat kecurangan dalam penghitungan suara pada Pasangan Calon Presiden nomor urut 01 pasangan Anies Rasyid Baswedan dan Muhaimin Iskandar diketahui bahwa dalam perhitungan input suara pasangan calon 01 mendapatkan suara sebanyak 94 suara namun pada data perolehan data, suara pasangan calon 01 hanya mendapatkan suara sebanyak 44 suara. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis dugaan pelanggaran tindak pidana pemilihan Presiden 2024. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode deskriptif dengan pendekatan kualitatif. Teknik pengumpulan data yang digunakan pada penelitian ini yakni wawancara, observasi, dan dokumentasi. Terdapat prinsip-prinsip penyelesaian pelanggaran dan sengketa pemilu diantaranya peraturan yang transparan, jelas, dan sederhana, mekanisme yang efektif dan komprehensif, bebas dan biaya yang wajar, kerangka hukum dan peradilan yang cepat, hak-hak untuk pembelaan atau mendengar dalam proses hukum, ketepatan waktu penegakan hukum dan keputusan, serta konsisten dalam penafsiran dan penerapan hukum pemilu. Hasil penelitian yang dilakukan menunjukkan dugaan pelanggaran tersebut terbukti tidak benar. Kata Kunci : Pemilihan Umum, Tindak Pidana, Pelanggaran Elections are a means of monitoring the people to elect members of the People's Representative Council, members of the Regional Representative Council, President and Vice President, as well as members of the Regional People's Representative Council, which are carried out directly, publicly, freely, confidentially, honestly and fairly within the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia which is based on Pancasila and the 1945 Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia. In the 2024 general election, it is suspected that there was a case of violations in the Presidential General Election in Kemiling Permai District, Bandar Lampung City. There are reports that there is a situation in the vote counting for Presidential Candidate Pair number 01, the pair Anies Rasyid Baswedan and Muhaimin Iskandar, it is known that in the vote input calculation, candidate pair 01 received 94 votes, but in the data collection, candidate pair 01 only received 94 votes. 44 votes. This research aims to investigate alleged criminal violations in the 2024 Presidential Election. This research uses descriptive methods with a qualitative approach. The data collection techniques used in this research are interviews, observation and documentation. There are principles for resolving election violations and acquittal, including transparent, clear and simple regulations, effective and comprehensive mechanisms, free and reasonable costs, fast legal and judicial frameworks, the rights to defense or hearing in the legal process, are emphasized timing of law enforcement and decisions, as well as consistency in the interpretation and application of election law. The results of the research conducted showed that the alleged violation was proven to be false. Keywords: General Elections, Crimes, Violations %C UNIVERSITAS LAMPUNG %D 2024 %I FAKULTAS ILMU SOSIAL DAN ILMU POLITIK %L eprints84572