@misc{eprints84600, month = {Oktober}, title = {THE IMPLEMENTATION OF ICE BREAKER TECHNIQUE TO IMPROVE STUDENTS? SPEAKING SKILLS OF TENTH GRADE STUDENTS AT SMAN 10 BANDAR LAMPUNG}, author = {CAHYARANI NISRINA VITA }, address = {UNIVERSITAS LAMPUNG}, publisher = {FAKULTAS KEGURUAN DAN ILMU PENDIDIKAN}, year = {2024}, url = {http://digilib.unila.ac.id/84600/}, abstract = {Language learning is an ever-changing process that often needs new and creative teaching methods to help students enhance their speaking abilities. developing strong speaking abilities in students is a key aim. Accomplishing this objective often requires using imaginative and interesting teaching techniques. One increasingly popular method is incorporating ice breaker games into language learning programs. Therefore, the researcher tried to implement an ice breaker technique to increase students speaking ability. This study explores how ice breaker activities can help improve students' speaking skills in English language learning. It focused on first-grade students at SMAN 10 Bandar Lampung and used a quantitative approach to measure the impact of these games on speaking proficiency. The research aims to understand how students' speaking abilities change before and after using ice breaker techniques in English classes. The study follows a preexperimental design, using a one-group pretest-posttest method to track changes in students' speaking skills. The experimental group, Class 10.9, which consists of 35 students, participated in both pretest and posttest assessments. The researcher utilized SPSS and Microsoft Excel to analyze the data, revealing an improvement in the student's speaking abilities following the implementation of ice-breaking games. The analysis was conducted using a Repeated Measures T-Test in SPSS, with statistical significance determined at p {\ensuremath{<}} 0.05. The results indicated a significant difference in the students'. This research adds to teaching discussions by showing how effective ice breaker activities are for improving speaking skills and offers practical advice for educators using these techniques in language learning classrooms. Keywords : Ice Breaker Technique, Students speaking ability} }