%A CITRA ASDIANSYAH KA FERLY %T RANCANG BANGUN FOAM GENERATOR UNTUK PRODUKSI BATA RINGAN %X Pembuatan pada mesin foam agent merupakan Perkembangan dunia kontruksi semakin modern, seiring dengan kemajuan teknologi yang semakin pesat sehingga memunculkan onovasi baru dalam dunia kontruksi. Salah satunya pembuatan bata ringan CLC ( cellular lightweight cocnrete ) . bata ringan CLC adalah beton seluler yang mengalami proses curing secara ilmiah. Komposisi bata ringan CLC ( cellular lightweight concrate ) adalah semen, pasir, air, dan foaming agent. Dalam proses pembuatan menggunakan standar pabrikasi. Dari hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa penambahan foam dengan variasi sebesar 0 lt/m3 , 0,25 lt/m3 0,5 lt/m3 0,75 lt/m3 dan 1 lt/m3 serta penambahan silica fume sebesar 10% dari berat semen ke dalam beton membuat kuat tekan beton pada usia 28 hari menurun berturut-turut 35,17 Mpa, 25,34 Mpa, 22,76 Mpa, 19,21 Mpa, 16,18 Mpa ( Halim , 2016) pengaruh penambahan foaming agent ADT terhadap beton dengan limbah genting merah sebagai agregat halus. Dengan variasi penambahan foam 0%, 15%, 30%, dan 45% terhadap volume beton. Dari hasil penelitian tersebut didapatkan bahwa pada umur 28 hari berat jenis beton rata-rata mengalami penurunan berturut-turut 2018,99 kg/m3 1881,69 kg/m3 1775,54 kg/m3 1549,05 kg/m3 . Kuat tekan beton juga mengalami penurunan secara berturut-turut 26,76 Mpa 18,71 Mpa 12,50 Mpa 3,85 Mpa. Kata kunci : Bata ringan, Beton, CLC, Foaming Agent, produksi Making foam agent machines is an increasingly modern development in the world of construction, along with increasingly rapid advances in technology, giving rise to new innovations in the world of construction. One of them is making CLC (cellular lightweight concrete) bricks. CLC lightweight brick is cellular concrete that undergoes a scientific curing process. The composition of CLC (cellular lightweight concrete) bricks is cement, sand, water and foaming agent. In the manufacturing process using manufacturing standards. The research results show that the addition of foam with variations of 0 lt/m3, 0.25 lt/m3 0.5 lt/m3 0.75 lt/m3 and 1 lt/m3 as well as the addition of silica fume of 10% of the weight of cement into the concrete makes the compressive strength of concrete at the age of 28 days decrease respectively 35.17 Mpa, 25.34 Mpa, 22.76 Mpa, 19.21 Mpa, 16.18 Mpa (Halim, 2016). The effect of adding foaming agent ADT to concrete with red tile waste as fine aggregate. With variations in adding foam of 0%, 15%, 30% and 45% to the concrete volume. From the results of this research, it was found that at the age of 28 days, the average density of concrete decreased, respectively, 2018.99 kg/m3 1881.69 kg/m3 1775.54 kg/m3 1549.05 kg/m3. The compressive strength of concrete also decreased respectively 26.76 Mpa 18.71 Mpa 12.50 Mpa 3.85 Mpa. Keywords : Foaming Agent , Concrete, CLC, Light brick , Production %D 2024 %I FAKULTAS TEKNIK %L eprints84828