%A 0716031053 NINDYA WULANDARI %J Digital Library %T PERSEPSI ORANG TUA PADA IKLAN PEPSODENT AYAH ADI DAN DIKA TENTANG MEMBIASAKAN MENYIKAT GIGI (STUDI PADA WARGA PERUMAHAN TAMAN GUNTER 2, KELURAHAN SUMBERREJO, KEMILING, BANDAR LAMPUNG) %X ABSTRACT PARENTS? PERCEPTION OF PEPSODENT AD ?AYAH ADI DAN DIKA? VERSION ABOUT BRUSHING TEETH HABIT (CASE STUDY OF THE RESIDENTS OF TAMAN GUNTER 2, SUMBERREJO SUB-DISTRICT, KEMILING, BANDAR LAMPUNG) By NINDYA WULANDARI Perception determines what kind of message that we choose and ignore because the higher equality degree of perception between individual, the easier they can communicate. In this case, the object which became as the perception was Pepsodent ad ?Ayah Adi dan Dika? version. This ad contains a motivational message and gives kids? parents insight to teach their kids how to make brushing teeth as a habit. In fact, not all of parents can realize what message of this ad. If parents can understand clearly about the implicit message from this ad, they will get solution for making their children like brushing teeth activity. Based on the background that has been explained before, statement of problem that will be analyzed in this study is : how is parents? perception towards Pepsodent ad ?Ayah Adi dan Dika? version about accustoming their children to brush their teeth? The purpose of this study is to know parents? perception of Pepsodent ad ?Ayah Adi dan Dika? version about accustoming their children to brush their teeth and about brushing teeth activity after watching that advertisement. Therefore, in this study, the writer used descriptive research methodology through qualitative research methodology approach. Moreover, data was obtained through intensive interview, observation, documentation, and literature of study. After that, the data was analyzed and interpreted by using the theoretical framework which has been specified. According to result study and discussion, it demonstrated that subject participants showed positive perception. They considered that Pepsodent ad ?Ayah Adi dan Dika? version was good, interesting, funny, creative, and innovative. Parents who were being as subject participants had also awareness of introducing their children to brush their teeth earlier before or after that ad already existed. Pepsodent ad ?Ayah Adi dan Dika? version became their reference to teach their children brush their teeth in a more relaxing way through simple game so the children does not feel bored with brushing their teeth daily. From some previous functions of ad, this ad has also another function as entertaining and educating the public. It was considered as educative ad because the message from that ad gave parents insight to teach their children brush their teeth. %D 2012 %C Universitas Lampung %I Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik %L eprints8575