%A DESI MURNI SARI Jamia?an %T UJI FISIS KOMPOSIT POLIMER RESIN EPOKSI BERBASIS ABU SEKAM PADI DENGAN AGREGAT PASIR SUNGAI (TEST PHYSICAL EPOXY RESIN POLYMER COMPOSITES BASED RICE HUSK ASH WITH RIVER SAND AGREGAT) %X Telah dibuat komposit polimer resin dengan memvariasikan berat abu sekam padi, pasir sungai dan resin epoksi yang dikeringkan secara alami selama 7 hari. Variasi komposisi abu sekam padi yaitu: 0, 15, 25, 50% dari berat pasir sungai dan variasi penambahan resin epoksi yaitu: 10, 15, 20% dari berat pasir sungai dan abu sekam padi. Kualitas komposit optimum diperoleh pada komposisi 50% abu sekam padi dengan 20% resin epoksi. Dari hasil pengujian diperoleh porositas sebesar 0,019 - 0,670%, semakin banyak penambahan abu sekam padi maka nilai porositas semakin meningkat, tetapi jika jumlah resin ditambah maka porositas semakin menurun. Densitas antara 1,723 ? 3,292 g/cm3, pengaruh penambahan abu sekam padi dan resin epoksi berbanding terbalik dengan porositas. Kuat tekan antara 5,135 ? 11,674 MPa, semakin banyak penambahan abu sekam padi, maka kuat tekan semakin menurun, tetapi jika jumlah resin ditambah maka semakin meningkat. Koefisien kemampuan untuk meredam sumber bunyi antara 0,0375 ? 0,1288, semakin banyak penambahan abu sekam padi, maka koefisien redam bunyi cenderung meningkat, tetapi jika jumlah resin ditambah maka semakin menurun. Konduktivitas termal antara 0,7639 ? 1,3255 W/moK semakin banyak penambahan abu sekam padi cenderung semakin menurunkan konduktivitas termal. Kata kunci: Uji fisis, resin epoksi, abu sekam padi. (Is have been made polymer resin composites with varying the weight of rice husk ash, river sand and epoxy resin is dried naturally until 7 days. Variations in the composition of rice husk ash are: 0, 15, 25, 50% of the weight variation of river sand and epoxy resin additions are: 10, 15, 20% of the weight of river sand and rice husk ash. The optimum of composit quality obtainnet at composition of 50% from rice husk ash with 20% of epoxy resin. The test results obtained porosity values between 0,019 to 0,670%, the more the addition of rice husk ash then the porosity values are increase but if the amount of resin is added the porosity decreases. Density values of 1,723 to 3,292 g/cm3, the effect of rice husk ash and epoxy resin is inversely proportional to the porosity. Compressive strength values between 5,135 to 11,674 MPa, the more the addition of rice husk ash then the compressive strength have are decreases but if the amount of resin added then the increase. Ability coefficient to muffle the sound source of 0,0375 to 0,1288, the more the addition of rice husk ash than up muffled coefficient sound tends to increase, but if the amount of resin added then decreases. Thermal conductivity of 0,7639 to 1,3255 W / Mok, effect of rice husk ash on the thermal conductivity are test tends to decrease. Keywords: physical test, epoxy resin, rice husk ash.) %C Universitas Lampung %D 2013 %I Fakultas MIPA %L eprints874