@misc{eprints9046, month = {Maret}, title = {Inventarisasi Potensi Wisata Pantai Way Saral Di Kecamatan Krui Selatan Kabupaten Pesisir Barat}, author = {1013034006 Endah Gita Cahyani}, address = {Universitas Lampung}, publisher = {Fakultas Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan}, year = {2015}, url = {http://digilib.unila.ac.id/9046/}, abstract = {ABSTRAK Inventarisasi Potensi Wisata Pantai Way Saral Di Kecamatan Krui Selatan Kabupaten Pesisir Barat Oleh Endah Gita Cahyani Abstrak: tujuan peneliti ini untuk mengetahui potensi pantai Way Saral di Kecamatan Krui Selatan Kabupaten Pesisir Barat, khususnya potensi alam dan aksesibilitas.Metode yang digunakan penelitian eksploratif disebabkan karena penelitian ini berbentuk penjelajahan atau belum begitu banyak informasi . Hasil penelitian ini menunjukan : (1) potensi wisata Pantai Way Saral meliputi beberapa indikator seperti ketinggian gelombang, suara gelombang, kelandaian pantai, kejernihan air, keadaan udara pantai, termasuk dalam potensi wisata alam yan cukup indah untuk dijadikan Obyek Wisata. (2) aksesibilitas menuju pantai Way Saral belum mendukung potensi yang ada di Way Saral, hal ini dikarenakan jalan yang rusak serta lokasi jauh/terpencil sehinga sulit untuk dijangkau wisatawan. Kata kunci: potensi, aksesibilitas, way saral INVENTORY OF POTENTIAL FOR TOURISM BEACH WAY SARAL DISTRICT IN SOUTH KRUI WEST COAST DISTRICT BY ENDAH GITA CAHYANI Abstract: The goal of this researchers to determine the potential of beaches Way Krui Saral in District South District of the West Coast, in particular the potential of natural and aksesibilitas.Metode used explorative research due to this study is the exploration or not so much information. These results indicate: (1) potential Beaches Way Saral includes several indicators such as wave height, wave sound, flatness of the beach, water clarity, the state of coastal air, including the potential for nature tourism yan beautiful enough to be Destinations. (2) accessibility to the beach Way Saral not support the potential that exists in the Way Saral, this is because the roads were damaged as well as the location remote / isolated so that it is difficult to reach tourists. Keywords: potential, accessibility,way saral} }