TY - GEN ID - eprints9071 UR - http://digilib.unila.ac.id/9071/ A1 - 0313042027, Iwan Y1 - 2010/05/04/ N2 - Writing is a skill in which we express the ideas, feelings, and thoughts arranged in words, sentences and paragraphs using eyes, brain, and hand (Raimes, 1983: 76). According to 2006 curriculum, School Based Curriculum / KTSP, the goal of teaching learning at Junior High School is that the students must be able to develop communicative competence in written form as well as in spoken form to achieve functional literacy level. In this curriculum, the English material is taught based on the text. One of the texts that have to be learnt is recount `text. The problem is, recount text writing is not only difficult to master by the students but also it is difficult to teach by the teachers. This is because recount text requires some components to consider, such as; organization which needs all the necessary background of information that makes sense to the readers, and then, series of events which needs the activity of the events that is created in systematic order, the next is re-orientation which needs the conclusion by summarizing the result, or offering personal comment or opinion concerning the text. Considering to the importance of recount text for the students to master, it is very important for the teacher to apply the best way to teach recount text in order to achieve the objectives stated on the curriculum. In this research, the researcher used guided writing in the form of guiding questions as a technique because the researcher believes that by giving them such questions as a guide, then the students follow the questions while they are writing, they will express the idea in form of writing easily and their piece of writing will be better organized. The objective of this research was to know whether there is significant difference of the students? recount text writing ability in the terms of content, organization, vocabulary, language used, and mechanic aspects after being taught by using guiding questions technique.This research was conducted based on the experimental method. It applied the control group pre test ? post test design modified from the idea suggested by Setiyadi (2006).This experimental method deals with two groups; experimental class 1 and experimental class 2. The samples of the research are the second year students of SMPN 1 Terbanggi Besar Central Lampung in the year 2009/2010. In determining the experimental class 1 and the experimental class 2, the researcher uses Simple Probability Sampling, using coin. Since the data is in the form of students? ability in writing recount text, the data was collected by using two writing tests; pre-test and post-test. The result of the test shows that there was a significant difference from pre test to post test after being taught by using Guiding Questions in the experimental class 1. The increase is from 53.9 up to 69.96. The application of the technique also increases all aspects of writing; content 15.53 up to 19.63, organization 12.9 up to 15.96, vocabulary 11.53up to 15.06, language used 10.9 up to 15.73, and mechanic 2.65 up to 3.53.The result of the computation shows that the value of two tailed significance was 0.000. It means that H1 was accepted and H0 was rejected since 0.00 < 0.05.It proves that the treatments given by the researcher had better effect of the students? achievement. TI - DEVELOPING THE STUDENTS? ABILITY IN WRITING RECOUNT TEXT THROUGH GUIDING QUESTIONS TECHNIQUE AT THE SECOND YEAR STUDENTS OF SMPN 1 TERBANGGI BESAR LAMPUNG TENGAH AV - restricted ER -