@misc{eprints9319, month = {Maret}, title = {EVALUASI KARAKTER AGRONOMI 125 KLON F1 UBI KAYU (Manihot esculenta Crantz) KETURUNAN TETUA BETINA UJ 3 DI KEBUN PERCOBAAN BPTP NATAR LAMPUNG SELATAN}, author = {1014121250 Vetty Oktari Fratiwy}, address = {Universitas Lampung}, publisher = {Fakultas Pertanian}, year = {2015}, url = {http://digilib.unila.ac.id/9319/}, abstract = {ABSTRAK EVALUASI KARAKTER AGRONOMI 125 KLON F1 UBI KAYU (Manihot esculenta Crantz) KETURUNAN TETUA BETINA UJ 3 DI KEBUN PERCOBAAN BPTP NATAR LAMPUNG SELATAN Oleh VETTY OKTARI FRATIWY Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui keragaman ubi kayu (Manihot esculenta Crantz) klon F1 keturunan tetua betina UJ 3. Keragaman merupakan parameter genetik dalam proses mengevaluasi klon. Penelitian dilakukan di Kebun Percobaan BPTP Natar, Lampung Selatan dari bulan Maret 2013 sampai dengan Maret 2014. Sebanyak 125 klon F1 keturunan tetua betina UJ 3 dievaluasi nilai tengah dan keragamannya. Klon-klon tersebut berasal dari biji botani yang dipanen dari lahan petani di Desa Masgar, Kecamatan Tegineneng, Kabupaten Pesawaran. Klon-klon yang ditanam petani tersebut meliputi UJ 3 dan UJ 5. Benih disemai di lahan 300 biji/m2 pada bulan November 2012. Selanjutnya, klon dipindahkan ke lahan Kebun Percobaan BPTP Natar pada bulan Maret 2013. Klon yang dipindahtanam ke lahan dengan diameter stek berkisar 0,4 cm ? 0,6 cm dan tinggi stek berkisar 40 cm ? 50 cm. Jarak tanam yang digunakan yaitu 100 cm x 50 cm. Karakter kualitatif klon F1 keturunan tetua betina UJ 3 menunjukkan keragaman luas pada variabel warna permukaan atas tangkai daun, permukaan bawah tangkai daun dan daging ubi memiliki keragaman yang luas sedangkan karakter kualitatif klon F1 keturunan tetua betina UJ 3 menunjukkan keragaman sedang pada variabel warna pucuk daun, batang bagian atas, batang bagian bawah, dan kulit ubi bagian luar dan karakter kualitatif klon F1 keturunan tetua betina UJ 3 menunjukkan keragaman sempit pada variabel kulit ubi bagian dalam. Karakter kuantitatif klon F1 keturunan tetua betina UJ 3 menunjukkan keragaman yang luas pada variabel jumlah lobus daun, panjang tangkai daun, panjang lobus daun, lebar lobus daun, tinggi tanaman, diameter batang, diameter penyebaran ubi, jumlah ubi, bobot basah, dan kadar aci. Keragaman karakter kualitatif yang luas dapat merupakan indikasi bahwa karakter kuantitatif juga memiliki keragaman yang luas. Luasnya nilai keragaman genetik dalam suatu karakter kualitatif dan kuantitatif mengindikasikan bahwa penampilan karakter tersebut didukung oleh faktor genetik yang ada pada masing-masing klon F1 keturunan tetua betina UJ 3. Sepuluh klon-klon harapan berdasarkan lebar lobus daun, diameter batang, jumlah ubi, bobot basah dan kadar aci yaitu TB 6 ? 4, TB 3 ? 11, TB 3 ? 8, TB 2 ? 44, TB 5 ? 7, TB 2 ? 34, TB 2 ? 47, TB 2 ? 41, TB 3 ? 4, dan TB 6 ? 18. Kata kunci: Karakter agronomi, keragaman, dan ubi kayu. ABSTRACT AGRONOMIC EVALUATION OF 125 F1 CASSAVA (Manihot esculenta Crantz) CLONES DERIVED FROM FEMALE PARENTS OF UJ 3 IN THE RESEARCH STATION OF BPTP NATAR SOUTH LAMPUNG By VETTY OKTARI FRATIWY The objective of this study was to evaluate the diversity of 125 F1 clones of cassava (Manihot esculenta Crantz) derived from female parents of UJ 3 at research station of BPTP Natar, Lampung Selatan. The study was conducted from March 2013 ? March 2014. A total of 125 F1 clones offspring of female parents UJ 3 were evaluated. Clones derived from botanical seeds was harvested from the farmers field in the village Masgar, Sub-District of Tegineneng, District of Pesawaran. The seeds were sown in the land of 300 seeds/m2 in November 2012. Subsequently, the clones were transferred to the field in March 2013. The qualitative character of clones F1 showed high diversity for the variables of surface color on the petiole, the lower surface of the leaf stalks and potato flesh has a wide diversity while qualitative character of clones the F1 derived from female parents UJ 3 shows moderate diversity for the variables of leaf color, upper trunk, trunk bottom, and potato skins outer and qualitative character clones F1 offspring female parents UJ 3 shows a narrow diversity in the variable part of the potato skin. The quantitative character of clones F1 showed high diversity for the variables of number of lobes leaf, petiole length, leaf lobe length, width lobe leaves, plant height, stem diameter, the tuber distribution, tuber number, fresh weight, and starch content. A wide diversity of qualitative characters may be an indication that the quantitative character also has a wide diversity. The extent of the value of genetic diversity in a qualitative and quantitative character indicates that the character's appearance is supported by genetic factors that exist in each of the clones F1 offspring female parents UJ 3. Ten promising clones based on the width of the lobe leaf, stem diameter, number of tubers, fresh weight and starch content were TB 6 ? 4, TB 3 ? 11, TB 3 ? 8, TB 2 ? 44, TB 5 ? 7, TB 2 ? 34, TB 2 ? 47, TB 2 ? 41, TB 3 ? 4, and TB 6 ? 18. Keywords : agronomic character, diversity, and cassava .} }