@misc{eprints9333, month = {Desember}, title = {AN ANALYSIS OF THE STUDENTS? PROFICIENCY IN DESCRIPTIVE PARAGRAPHS WRITING AT THE SECOND GRADE OF SMA TRI SUKSES NATAR LAMPUNG SELATAN}, author = {IRAWAN PRAYOGO 0543042019}, year = {2011}, journal = {Digital Library}, url = {http://digilib.unila.ac.id/9333/}, abstract = {This research was intended to explore the learners? proficiency in making descriptive paragraph and to know their problems in each of the writing components. This research was conducted at SMA TRI SUKSES NATAR Lampung Selatan. The subjects of this research were the students of class IX IPA 1. In this research, the data was gained from two methods. They were qualitative research design (questionnaire and interview) and quantitative research design (writing test). The students? paragraph writing were analyzed and scored by three raters. And then, the results of scoring from the three raters were added and divided by three to get the average score for each student. The questionnaire and the interview were analyzed by classifying the students? answer based on the need to support and describe the students? proficiency in writing descriptive paragraph. In order to know the students? proficiency in descriptive paragraph writing, the researcher referred to ninth-grade students? proficiency test in writing of Ohio, Columbus. There were 13 points of outcomes which must be produced by the students. The result shows that the students could make descriptive paragraph, but students? proficiency in writing were not good yet. It could be seen from the content, which had the main idea and supporting sentences. Beside that, \_\_\_\_\_\_ students were able to explain the idea clearly by giving some example. In spite of that, students? writing still had some mistakes in form, grammar, vocabulary, mechanic and few in content. Besides, based on the criteria of paragraph writing scoring, there were \_\_\_\_\_\_ students got score from 85-100 (excellent level), \_\_\_\_students got score 75-84 (good level), \_\_\_\_\_ students got score 60-74 (satisfactory level), and then no student got score from 0-59 (fail/unsatisfactory level). The result showed that the students? ability in making descriptive writing paragraph was good. Their result of average score was \_\_\_\_\_\_\_. The difficulties faced by the students in descriptive writing were grammar, such as preposition, singular and plural, to infinitive, modals, adjective clause connectors, to be and present tense. Other difficulties faces by the students were in form of content, form, vocabulary, and mechanic. This problem might be due to their carelessness when they made their descriptive writing. } }