%A Arie Handayani 0543042066 %J Digital Library %T A COMPARATIVE STUDY OF STUDENTS? READING COMPREHENSION ACHIEVEMENT BETWEEN THOSE TAUGHT THROUGH RECIPROCAL TEACHING TECHNIQUE AND THOSE TAUGHT THROUGH CONTEXTUAL TEACHING AND LEARNING AT THE SECOND GRADE OF SMP NEGERI 5 METRO %X Reading is a complex cognitive process of decoding symbols for the intention of deriving meaning (reading comprehension) and or constructing meaning. The problems of the study are the students have difficulty in comprehending in reading text. Some factors that cause students difficulties in comprehending the text are interest in the material (the text), schemata, and ignoring reading technique. The objectives of this research are to find out whether there is a significant difference in reading comprehension achievement between those taught through Reciprocal Teaching Technique and those taught through Contextual Teaching and Learning and to investigate which strategy is more effective to improve students? reading comprehension achievement. The research applied pretest posttest control group design. This experimental method deals with two groups: an experimental class and a control class. The samples of the research were the second grade of SMPN 5 Metro. The results show that the mean of students? posttest scores in the experimental class is higher than the mean of students? posttest scores in the control class, that is 83.20 is higher than 70.83, with the mean difference is 12.37. The value of two tail significant is 0.000. it means that H 0 was rejected and H was accepted since 0.000 < 0.05. The conclusion of this research is that there is a significant difference of students? reading comprehension achievement between the students taught through Reciprocal Teaching Technique and Contextual Teaching and Learning. RTT is more effective to help students improve their reading comprehension. %D 2012 %L eprints9337