%0 Generic %A 0713042037, Pribadi Hadhi %D 2012 %F eprints:9416 %T AN ANALYSIS OF CLASSROOM INTERACTION USING SINCLAIR AND COULTHARD INITIATION-RESPONSE-FEEDBACK (IRF) MODEL IN ENGLISH SPEAKING CLASS AT CLASS XI SCIENCE 8 OF SMAN 2 BANDAR LAMPUNG %U http://digilib.unila.ac.id/9416/ %X Sinclair and Coulthard Initiation-Response-Feedback (IRF) model is one of the guidelines to analyze the classroom interaction which provides guidance for analyzing spoken language, which is developed from classroom discourse in general secondary classroom. The model provides comprehensive tool which systematically allows teachers to analyze the nature and functions of interactive exchange happening in the classroom. The objective of this research is to investigate the process of classroom interaction in teaching and learning process as well as the pattern of classroom interaction occurred as suggested by Sinclair and Coulthard Initiation-Response-Feedback (IRF) model in English speaking class at SMAN 2 Bandar Lampung. The teaching exchange pattern is focused on six aspects, namely: Teacher Informing, Teacher Directing, Teacher Elicitation, Checking, Student Elicitation and Student Informing. Class XI Science 8 was chosen as the subject of the research because the teacher still dominated the class through lecturing, giving question and instruction. The writer became a non participant observer who observed and focused on the teaching learning process by analyzing the interactional conversation among teacher-students, students-teacher and students-students in speaking classroom. The data was collected twice by means of classroom observation and video recording. The results of this research show that the process of classroom interaction in English speaking class at class XI Science 8 of SMAN 2 Bandar Lampung reflects the classroom interaction pattern suggested by Sinclair and Coulthard Initiation-Response-Feedback (IRF) model. The high percentages of Student Elicitation (25, 51%) and Student Informing (18, 96%) indicate that students have their own awareness to get involved in the activity and to participate as well as to interact actively during the teaching learning process. The moderate percentage of Checking (16, 55%) allows the teacher to control how well the students can follow the lesson during the teaching learning process. The low percentages of Teacher Directing (15, 86%), Teacher Elicitation (13, 10%) and Teacher Informing (10%) show that the teacher has managed the whole process of teaching learning well based on what has been prepared on the lesson plan as she plays the role as an initiator and a facilitator for her students. Apart of the result from the research, it is suggested that English teachers should bear in mind that it is students who are learning language; therefore maximizing opportunities for students’ participation in form of Student Elicitation and Student Informing to let them dominate the classroom is very necessary and important. Such target can be reached by such activities as role-play, storytelling, debating, holding seminars and making presentation etc. English teacher should also have a greater awareness of teacher’s feedback, especially in terms of evaluating students’ errors and providing grammatical accuracy and repetition as it can greatly increase teachers’ success in teaching process.