%A 0813042019 Arizka Mifta Faridl %J THE CORRELATION BETWEEN STUDENTS` VOCABULARY MASTERY AND THEIR READING COMPREHENSION OF NARRRATIVE TEXT AT THE THIRD YEAR OF SMPN 1 TEGINENENG %T THE CORRELATION BETWEEN STUDENTS` VOCABULARY MASTERY AND THEIR READING COMPREHENSION OF NARRATIVE TEXT AT THE THIRD GRADE OF SMPN 1 TEGINENENG %X Abstract THE CORRELATION BETWEEN STUDENTS` VOCABULARY MASTERY AND THEIR READING COMPREHENSION OF NARRRATIVE TEXT AT THE THIRD YEAR OF SMPN 1 TEGINENENG By ARIZKA MIFTAH FARIDL The narrative text becomes one of important in the reading skill which was acquired by students because the success of their study depends on their ability to read. One of the problem to understand material on narrative text is students` lack of vocabulary. This research was conducted because students have difficulties in comprehending reading in narrative text. The objective of this research were to find out whether there is significant ccorrelation between students` vocabulary mastery and their reading comprehension in narrative text. This research was quantitative research. The research design used a co-relational design of ex post facto design. The samples of the research were selected by using simple random sampling from the students of the third year of SMP N 1 Tegineneng, Pesawaran. Class IX.D was taken as the sample class of this research which consits of 30 students. The data were collected by means of test and were analyzed by using SPSS at the significant level 0.05 Based on the data analysis, the result showed that there was a significant correlation between students` vocabulary mastery and their reading comprehesion in of narrative text. The result showed that r is 0.729 with N 30, Degree of freedom (df) N-2 to the real level = 0.05 while r is 0.370. Thus, r > r ; meaning the correlation is significant. Therefore, the research hypothesis ( H ) was accepted and the null hypothesis ( H ) was rejected. %P 1-63 %D 2015 %C Universitas Lampung %I Fakultas Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan %L eprints9535