%A Darwasih 0413042019 %J Digital Library %T IMPROVING STUDENTS? DESCRIPTIVE PARAGRAPH WRITING ABILITY THROUGH SENTENCE COMBINING PRACTICE AT SMKN 2 BANDAR LAMPUNG %X Writing is a thinking process in which ideas are arranged and combined with complex knowledge of the target language such as structure, vocabulary, organization, content, and language use, therefore, this ability is considered as the most difficult subject to achieve. The objective of this research was to find out whether sentence combining practice can give the positive effect to improve students? descriptive paragraph achievement in terms of effective paragraph writing or not. The population and sample of this research were the second year students of SMKN 2 Bandar Lampung, that is class II tp3. The class consisted of 28-35 students but the number of students who joined the full set of tests and treatments were only 30. This research was a quantitative research. The researcher used pre test post test design. The students? scores of pre test show that 27 students (90 %) got lower than 60 and only 3 students (10 %) got higher than 60. Moreover, the scores of each aspect were low. The highest aspect was content. It shows that the result was not satisfying since most of the students got score below 60, and only few students got score above 60, and the aspects supporting the effective paragraph were not got also since each aspect was low.The students? scores of post test show that there were 20 students got higher than 60 and the rest, 10 students got lower than 60. The scores of writing aspects were high. It could be inferred that there were some improvements in content and form as the characteristics of effective paragraph. In conclusion, Sentence combining can improve students? descriptive paragraph writing ability. It can be seen from the improvement of students? average scores from the pre test (41,67) to post test (55,08). It can also develop the students? writing on each aspect, moreover on content and form. %D 2011 %L eprints9582