TY - GEN ID - eprints9721 UR - http://digilib.unila.ac.id/9721/ A1 - 0613042006, Linduani Putri I Halawa Y1 - 2011/09/25/ N2 - Writing is the most difficult language skill to master according to most students. In writing, the writer should consider many aspects, such as content, organization, vocabulary, grammar and mechanics to avoid the ambiguity and misunderstanding of meaning between the writer and the readers. According to KTSP 2006, the students are expected to be able to communicate in English in spoken and in written forms. Writing is very difficult for them, although they had given a topic to write, they are can not automatically start to write because they are can not organize their ideas chronologically. The objectives of this research were 1). In general, to find out whether there is any differences or not of students? descriptive writing ability after they are taught through Contextual Teaching Learning (CTL) by using picture and 2) specifically, to find out whether there is improvement of students? ability in writing descriptive paragraph in terms of content, grammar, organization, vocabulary, and mechanic or not. Pictures bring the real word into the classroom and provide a context for language learning, it means that picture can be used in Teaching Learning English. This research applied one group pretest posttest design from the idea suggested by Hacth&Farhady. The subjects of the research were the second year students of SMP NEGERI 1 NATAR, Lampung Selatan in 2010/2011 academic year. The class consisted of 30 students. The classes were determined randomly. The result of the test shows that there is a significant improvement of students score from pre test to post test after being taught through CTL by using pictures. The improvement of the mean is from 59.08 up to 70.33. The application of the method also improves all aspects of writing; content 12.33 up to 13.5, grammar 10.41 up to 15.16, organization 10.99 up to 13.75, vocabulary 12.58 up to 12.83, and mechanic 12.75 up to 15.00. The students? score of pre test in this class was 24 students (80%) got scores lower than 65 and only 6 students (20%) got scores higher than 65. The students? score of post test in this class show that there were only 7 students (23,34%) who got scores less than 65 and the rest, 23 students (77,66%) got scores more than 65. It could be inferred that the improvement of students? ability before and after treatment shows that CTL by using pictures can be applied in teaching writing. The researcher used T-Test at the level significance (0.01) to prove whether the hypothesis is accepted or not. The computation showed that t-ratio ( 11.080) is much bigger than the ?table (2,462), it means t-ratio>t-table. It can be concluded that that there is a significant improvement in the application of CTL toward students? ability in writing descriptive text. In the word, the hypothesis is accepted TI - IMPROVING STUDENTS? DESCRIPTIVE WRITING ABILITY THROUGH CONTEXTUAL TEACHING AND LEARNING (CTL) by USING PICTURE FOR THE SECOND YEAR STUDENTS OF SMP NEGERI 1 NATAR LAMPUNG SELATAN 2010/2011 ACADEMIC YEAR AV - restricted ER -