The Influence of Marketing Mix to The Purchase Decision Process of Nexian Handphone (Study on Community in Bandar Lampung).

0616051037, Melda Ayu Lestari (2012) The Influence of Marketing Mix to The Purchase Decision Process of Nexian Handphone (Study on Community in Bandar Lampung). Digital Library.

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Abstrak (Berisi Bastraknya saja, Judul dan Nama Tidak Boleh di Masukan)

The rapid technology advancement offers various kinds of handphone products and its complete features. One of them is Nexian. Nexian is a gadget that perfectly follows technology advancement as well as has awesome product design just like BlackBerry The aim of this research is to find out the influence of the following variables Product, Price, Distribution, and Promotion that partially and simultaneously to the puchase decision process of Nexian in Bandar Lampung. Besides, To find out the most dominant factor that influence on Product, Price, Distribution, and Promotion to the purchase decision process in Bandar Lampung. This research uses descriptive verivicative research. The research sample was obtained from the users of Nexian located in Bandar Lampung. Besides, data collection was done through questionnaire. Meanwhile, the data were analyzed using multivarian linear regretion. From the results of the research, we can see that Product, Price, Distribution, and Promotion have influence simultanly to the purchase decision process in 89,6%. Besides, the influence of each variables are 16,6% to product, 22,8% to price, 26% to distribution, and 45% to promotion. Based on this research, promotion gives the most dominant impact to the purchase decision of Nexian. Key Word: Marketing Mix and Purchase Decision Process

Jenis Karya Akhir: Artikel
Program Studi: Fakultas ISIP > Prodi Ilmu Administrasi Bisnis
Pengguna Deposit: IC-STAR . 2015
Date Deposited: 25 Jan 2016 13:14
Terakhir diubah: 25 Jan 2016 13:14

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