An Analysis of English Pronunciation Based on Student Speech Community at English Education Program

ALEX SUDRAJAT, (1213042003) (2016) An Analysis of English Pronunciation Based on Student Speech Community at English Education Program. FACULTY OF TEACHER TRAINING AND EDUCATION, LAMPUNG UNIVERSITY.

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Abstrak (Berisi Bastraknya saja, Judul dan Nama Tidak Boleh di Masukan)

ABSTRACT This research analyses English pronunciation based on the student speech community. It aims to find which speech sounds that are correctly and not correctly pronounced by student speech community. The design of the research was a case study in the form of qualitative research design with two subjects which were a man from Mee speech community and a woman from Javanese speech community. The subjects were chosen since they had distinctive feature which is ethnic accent and could actively spoke English. In eliciting the data, the recorder and dictionaries such as Cambridge application and Oxford online dictionary were used to record the subject utterance and transcribe it into phonetics symbol. The principle of contrastive analysis was used to analyze the data. As the findings, the speech sounds /ɪ/, /ʌ/, /ɑː/, /ə/, /uː/, /ɜː/, /eɪ/, /aɪ/, /ɔɪ/, /θ/, /ʃ/, /n/, /z/, /r/, /ʤ/, and /f/ were not correctly pronounced by Mee subject. Then, speech sounds /eə/, /əʊ/, /ð/, /ʃ/, /ʒ/, /z/, /ʤ/, /d/, /b/, and /g/ were not correctly pronounced by Javanese subject. Next, there were 43 speech sounds correctly pronounced by Mee subject. In contrast, 43 speech sounds were correctly pronounced by Mee subject and 43 speech sounds from Javanese subject, excluding /ʊə/ which was not found in any Mee subject’s utterance and /ɔɪ/ in Javanese subject. In conclusion, the influence of speech community in English pronunciation was strong enough. Errors and dissimilarities between two languages that led to negative transfer supported the incorrect pronunciation. In contrast, language exposure and similarities between two languages that led to positive transfer supported the correct pronunciation.

Jenis Karya Akhir: Skripsi
Subyek: > LB Theory and practice of education
> PE English
Program Studi: FKIP > Prodi Bahasa Inggris
Pengguna Deposit: 9393726 . Digilib
Date Deposited: 23 Aug 2016 08:13
Terakhir diubah: 23 Aug 2016 08:13

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