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Abstrak (Berisi Bastraknya saja, Judul dan Nama Tidak Boleh di Masukan)
B.INGGRIS The purposes of this study are: 1. Revealing teachers’s perception towards internet on Private Madrasah Aliyah in Bandarlampung, 2. Knowing the influence of digital divide towards teachers’s perception on Private Madrasah Aliyah in Bandarlampung. Discussing teachers’s Perception using Technology Acceptance Model’s Theory (TAM) with 2 constructs, Perceived Ease of Use (PEOU), and Perceived Usefulness (PU). Research population is consist of 8 Privates Madrasah Aliyah in Bandarlampung, and the samples are 3 Privates Madrasah Aliyah in Bandarlampung which digitally divide. Those schools are MAS Al- Hikmah, as 1st category school which has computer laboratory and also the internet connection, next is MAS Muhammadiyah as 2nd category school which has the computer laboratory and zero internet connection, last is MAS Al- Asy’Ariyyah as 3rd category school which is neither has computer laboratory, nor internet connection. Analysis unit of this research is teachers of those 3 digitally divide schools. Result of different test sample on 3 Private Madrasah Aliyah which is digitally divided showed differences on teachers’s perception about internet. The statistic test result showed that Toutput (64.809) > Ttable (1,996), therefore H0 is rejected. Those dissimilarity perceptions can be seen through school number one’s result of PEOU, which shows that teachers’s perceived ease of use towards internet on that school has reached 75,6%, surpassing the teachers’s perceived ease of use towards internet on school number 2 that reached 59%, and school number 3 which reached 56,8% teachers on that school who thinks that internet is easy to learn and use. For the perceived of usefulness’s result shows that 91,2% teachers in 1st category schoo admitted that they can take many advantages by using internet. Meanwhile for the 2nd category school is 84,2%, and for the 3rd category school is 76% teachers who think the same. Whereas, the one sample t test results shows that digital divide is indeed influencing teachers’s perception towards internet in Private Madrasah Aliyah with digital divide. That test’s result shows that Toutput in each schools > Ttable, therefore H1 is accepted. Those kinds of influence also can be seen in school number one, which already has a good facilities and infrastructures towards ICT. In the 1st school, teachers’s PEOU and PU have reached good numbers of positive responds. It means that teachers in 1st category school which is has been succeed on implementing ICT in their school, already has good understanding and positive perception towards the ease of use and also the usefulness of using internet, because they’re familiar with that kind of technology compared with teachers from school number 2 and 3 which has less school’s ICT facilities and infrastructure, in the end, it made them unfamiliar and feel so weird with the idea of using internet on teaching activity. Therefore, the understanding and comprehension’s of teachers towards internet from each school is different up to their school’s ability to support. Teachers from school number 2 and 3’s perception toward internet aren’t as good as teachers from school number 1 which has good support of facilities and infrastructure towards internet/ICT. Keywords:Digital divide, Informations and Communications Technology (ICT), Teachers, Perception B.INDONESIA Tujuan penelitian: 1.Mengungkapkan persepsi guru Madrasah Aliyah Swasta di Kota Bandarlampung terhadap internet, 2.Mengetahui pengaruh kesenjangan digital terhadap persepsi guru Madrasah Aliyah Swasta di Kota Bandarlampung. Menelaaah persepsi guru mengenai internet menggunakan Teori Technology acceptance Model (TAM) dengan dua konstruk yaitu: Kemudahan (Perceived Ease of Use/PEOU), dan Kebermanfaatan (Perceived Usefulness/PU). Populasi penelitian terdiri atas 8 MAS di Kota Bandarlampung, sedangkan sampelnya adalah 3 MAS yang senjang secara digital, yakni MAS Al-Hikmah sebagai sekolah kategori I, yaitu sekolah yang telah dilengkapi sarana lab komputer dan terkoneksi internet, MAS Muhammadiyah sebagai sekolah kategori II, yaitu sekolah yang telah dilengkapi sarana lab komputer namun tidak terkoneksi internet, dan MAS Al-Asy’Ariyyah sebagai sekolah kategori III, yaitu sekolah yang tidak memiliki lab komputer dan tidak terkoneksi internet. Unit analisis penelitian adalah guru di 3 sekolah yang senjang secara digital tersebut. Adapun dari hasil uji beda menunjukan adanya perbedaan persepsi pada guru mengenai internet di 3 MAS. Hasil uji beda statistik yang telah dilakukan menunjukan bahwa nilai Thitung (64.809) > Ttabel (1,996) sehingga Ho ditolak. Perbedaan tersebut terlihat di mana pada sekolah kategori I persepsi kemudahan gurunya dalam mengakses internet mencapai 75,6%, mengungguli sekolah kategori II dengan 59%, dan sekolah kategori III berjumlah 56,8%. Adapun untuk persepsi kebermanfaatan, sebanyak 91,2% guru di sekolah kategori I telah mengakui kebermanfaatan dalam menggunakan internet, sekolah kategori II sebanyak 84,2%, sementara untuk sekolah kategori III sebesar 76%. Sedangkan hasil uji pengaruh yang telah dilakukan menunjukan bahwa kesenjangan digital mempengaruhi persepsi guru mengenai internet di 3 MAS yang senjang secara digital. Hasil uji one sample t test menunjukan Thitung di tiap sekolah > Ttabel, sehingga H1 diterima. Pengaruh tersebut juga terlihat di mana pada sekolah kategori I yang sarana dan prasarana TIKnya cukup memadai, persepsi kemudahan dan kebermanfaatannya cukup tinggi dan mengungguli sekolah kategori II dan III. Artinya guru di sekolah kategori I yang telah berhasil mengimplementasikan TIK,memiliki pemahaman yang baik mengenai kemudahan dan juga kebermanfaatan penggunaan teknologi dibandingkan dengan guru di sekolah kategori II dan III yang sarana dan prasarana TIK-nya kurang memadai sehingga pemahaman guru mengenai kemudahan dan kebermanfaatan TIK lebih rendah. Kata kunci: Digital divide, TIK, Guru, Persepsi
Jenis Karya Akhir: | Skripsi |
Subyek: | |
Program Studi: | Fakultas ISIP > Prodi Ilmu Komunikasi |
Pengguna Deposit: | UPT Perpustakaan Unila |
Date Deposited: | 11 Nov 2014 02:55 |
Terakhir diubah: | 11 Nov 2014 02:55 |
URI: | http://digilib.unila.ac.id/id/eprint/5261 |
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